OT: Ken Paxton acquitted

One of the counts he actually admitted to but yet was found not guilty lol… I guess handing out campaign money to the “jury” worked out
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In the end, it's the voters that decide. He is going to be governor after Abbott. **** the leftist tards. Time for retribution.

This is viewed as another attempt by the puppet masters that are hiding behind the curtain and running the democrat party to weaponize the law and create a 1 party system. The people see this for what it is. The same thing is being done nationally to Trump. This is going to backfire and Hell is coming. Get ready.
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Not a fan of Paxton. Problem is, no TRUE republican has emerged in the state as a leader. I THOUGHT Dan Crenshaw might use his training and service and leave congress to run for governor. But we've quickly learned that no amount of frogman training keeps you immune from becoming a swamp creature.
Not a fan of Paxton. Problem is, no TRUE republican has emerged in the state as a leader. I THOUGHT Dan Crenshaw might use his training and service and leave congress to run for governor. But we've quickly learned that no amount of frogman training keeps you immune from becoming a swamp creature.
Sadly true.
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1 term then change the diaper. Attorneys look at politics as a career choice. It has to stop.
They're all self enriching swamp creatures. The only difference is to what degree. It ranges from questionable grey area all the way up to Biden black.
If there was ever a post that needed a multiple “thumbs up”, this is the one. There are damn sure 2 parties but it’s not what most people think. It’s POLITICIANS versus US!!
1 term then change the diaper. Attorneys look at politics as a career choice. It has to stop.
speaking of career choice..I wish to hell I would have bought a Mcdonalds franchise in 1965 instead of spending 4 years at UT getting a degree....lots more $$$ in flipping hamburgers, especially being able to buy in at that time.
The next best ( maybe the ultimate best) would have been to run for city council and work my way up to US Senator. Those folks live in the best houses and drink the best whiskey and never have to pay for any of it. Talk about money for nothin and chicks for free.....

oh well....too soon we are old and too late we are smart...( old German proverb)
All corrupt politicians should be burned at the stake.
The problem is, the handing down of punishment has never been equal on both sides.
Exactly. Look no further than Jan 6 vs George Floyd riots. Not crooked politicians but definitely handled by same.
my feeling is that we need all congressional terms to be for 5 years. After that I think we need to load all outgoing congress folks on a bus and take em straight to prison. They are every one crooks. The only way we differentiate between them is the crooks that vote the way we like, and the crooks that dont vote the way they like.
Pax jax off thinking about siamese twins.

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