Time for a little Orangebloods contest. Please read ...

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Originally posted by MR. COSELL:
Gonna be honest, the best ideas usually are the simplest, and they're usually staring you right in the face. Take the graphic on the home page, leave off the ".com" within the longhorn skull, and make a nice print on some good fabric and you have a winner. ORANGEBLOODS in that cool font and hip longhorn well positioned to make it all draw together. Put it on a white shirt, perhaps. Maybe even a black shirt. You can make it two different ways. One with a small graphic along the left chest, the other with a larger graphic across the chest
We have generic Orangebloods t-shirts that have been created in-house that will be for sale in the fan shop. We're looking for some subscriber input for the "outside the box" shirt that we will also feature in the shop. But don't you worry, we have the basic OB shirts already designed.

Thanks for the input!
I vote for a Mount Rushmore shirt with the heads of Geoff, Chip, Babyoil and Taylor. Below it can say:

Mount Orangebloods
"priceless slogan"

I'll let Travis design as my graphic artist is swamped and caricatures for screen printing are hard as sh!t to produce.
Orange Bloods in orange on a white tee with a couple slashes and/or bullet wounds with burnt orange blood trickling out.
beware of the addict



please help me
i'm addicted to

Originally posted by NOT TEXAS GOOD:
TexasMan682 I couldn't remember who said the maternity shirt w "orangebloods insider" but you definitely deserve the credit.

Still my favorite idea.
No worries my friend. I thought it was pretty funny as well.
Ask me about my Orangeblood

Then in smaller font underneath that:
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This post was edited on 7/13 7:26 PM by Orangetower1
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Okay...That one is a winner! Check Please!

This post was edited on 7/13 7:28 PM by Orangetower1