Wish Santos well

LS, there's a few resident horns on Texags that haven't caught the ban. Maybe you should give it another try?
Originally posted by FactFinder989:
LS, there's a few resident horns on Texags that haven't caught the ban. Maybe you should give it another try?
Your buddy 12thmanposter caught it on here though.
who knows there's mike and then there are two or three other guys that just keep making up new accounts every time they get banned.
"who knows there's mike and then there are two or three other guys that just keep making up new accounts every time they get banned."

Yep. Factfinder, 12thmanposter, and Aggie_brent are all likely the same poster. Pretty sad really. Best thing to do is just put them on ignore. They also change their name when they run their mouths in a thread and the results don't go their way (see the bubble thread). Pretty pathetic all the way around.

This post was edited on 4/4 7:10 PM by utisdabomb12
For the record, I am neither of those posters, and haven't changed my name even once. But that was a good try there, bombo.
Originally posted by FactFinder989:
For the record, I am neither of those posters, and haven't changed my name even once. But that was a good try there, bombo.
That may be the case but you cant deny that there are two or three guys that constantly create counts just to muck up this board.
"That may be the case but you cant deny that there are two or three guys that constantly create counts just to muck up this board."

He posts literally in every thread that 12thmanposter does. Just look at both post counts, both names were created at about the same time when his other names were banned. It sounds like 12thmanposter was banned so it will just be a matter of time until factfinder is banned. Get ready for a couple more socks to start popping up soon.

About the only aggy poster on here that probably doesn't have a billion other names is Mike.
Actually I take back my previous comment. 12thmanposter/factfinder didn't change their name after being banned, he changed his name after running his mouth in the bubble thread and the results not turning out well. Those names started posting right when A&M's basketball season went down the crapper (at about the same time several names stopped posting in the bubble thread). It doesn't take a genius to figure out.

This post was edited on 4/4 7:31 PM by utisdabomb12
I never said there wasn't and never denied anything of the sort. I just said I hadn't, in that bomb was completely off in regards to myself as a poster.
Bomb, great job on making a comment without editing it immediately! But you are way off on all your other detective like accusations. I was here before our season tanked, eight he same name as always. Don't let me get to far into your head now...
That's good news. Santos will have a couple months to get back in the groove of things too.
Come on now. You got called out don't try this "who, ME" routine. You rush to comment on or create every post that is bad news for Texas fans. When the b ball team was looking questionable for the tournament, the article about swoopes looking better than heard, every baseball thread, and now this. Everyone here knows your game. Just own it.