I was watching a few of the replays of past football games this weekend on LHN. They showed a whole series of Arkansas games that we won over different decades. As they were airing some of the 90s games, I began to think of that era where Texas saw 3 different head coaches, a transition from the SWC to the Big 12, and then ending the decade with the excitement of what turned out to be one of the best runs in Texas Football that would last 10 years. This is so eerily similar to the "Twenteens" decade we just concluded. Three coaches, more downs than ups, and now what seems to be the building of a strong foundation for what looks to be a fun 20s decade. Anyway, back to the 90s. I was wondering what @clob94 's recollection of the most memorable games and the happenings around the games, good or bad, he personally witnessed. A&M was still on the schedule for years to come, so I don't know if it was as big of a deal as the announcers made it out be regarding the last SWC game vs A&M in 1996. I know it will be a romantic mackoveckian trip down memory lane.