There were not many people who watched that video who were not disgusted and who ready to talk about how to fix the issues. We were as close to united as a nation could be on a cause, regardless of which side each of us stood on. Then, the last few nights happened and we are as divided as we will probably ever be. Everything is coming to head all at once. All the ground that could have been made, has evolved into something that will push us further apart. We now have the National Guard and the freaking US Army coming out to stop hoodlums of all races who could care less about the gentleman who was killed, and are just out to create havoc and destroy our country. The police have become the sympathetic figures again. We have the polarizing Kapernick who has pretended to be about peace for the last few years inciting this nonsense, and offering to pay legal bills for those doing it. That is driving the divide further. It is sad to watch unfold, especially considering the culprit is already behind bars.
We had our chance and we blew it.
We had our chance and we blew it.
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