Bill Maher nails it


Proud non-Mensa member
Oct 17, 2003
I certainly don't agree with a whole lot of his opinions and am pretty far from him politically, but I do love his show's format. What I do like about his opinions is that he's one of the few "elites" that is willing to step out and take shots at his own sides for now they behave on certain issues. He always talks shit to them about Islamaphohia and constantly protecting the most oppressive countries on our planet. This is his latest take that I agree with.

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I certainly don't agree with a whole lot of his opinions and am pretty far from him politically, but I do love his show's format. What I do like about his opinions is that he's one of the few "elites" that is willing to step out and take shots at his own sides for now they behave on certain issues. He always talks shit to them about Islamaphohia and constantly protecting the most oppressive countries on our planet. This is his latest take that I agree with.

Did he nail it here too??