Saw a quick snippet where Mark Wahlburg and Michelle Williams had to reshoot all the scenes in their upcoming movie "All the Money in the World" due to Kevin Spacey being removed from the film after it was revealed he was trying to have sex with teen boys. It was reported Marky Mark got $1.5mm, while Michelle Williams got paid $10k to reshoot the scenes they previously had with Spacey. Apparently a lot of female actresses are calling out Hollywood for the large pay gap.
Isn't this a case of Marky Mark and his agents knowing they have a lot of leverage and Michelle Williams and her agents either being not aware or not caring? I mean, maybe I missed something, but shouldn't the anger be directed at her agents for missing out on a golden opportunity?
Isn't this a case of Marky Mark and his agents knowing they have a lot of leverage and Michelle Williams and her agents either being not aware or not caring? I mean, maybe I missed something, but shouldn't the anger be directed at her agents for missing out on a golden opportunity?