Traffic Question


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2009
I have an intersection by my house and due to construction it's constantly backed up, and everyone goes Mad Max not wanting to miss another light cycle.

It's a four way intersection where the left turning cars (my group) get a protected left turn arrow (obviously I have the right away then) then a flashing yellow arrow until it goes red. The oncoming right turners get a cut out with a yield sign. When the flashing yellow is going who has the right away to turn if there is no other oncoming traffic just people turning left and people turning right?

It doesn't really matter as their is an endless supply of cars in both lanes so if proper yields were followed you would be at the intersection for half an hour hence it always turning into Mad Max, but I am curious who technically is in the wrong.
I have an intersection by my house and due to construction it's constantly backed up, and everyone goes Mad Max not wanting to miss another light cycle.

It's a four way intersection where the left turning cars (my group) get a protected left turn arrow (obviously I have the right away then) then a flashing yellow arrow until it goes red. The oncoming right turners get a cut out with a yield sign. When the flashing yellow is going who has the right away to turn if there is no other oncoming traffic just people turning left and people turning right?

It doesn't really matter as their is an endless supply of cars in both lanes so if proper yields were followed you would be at the intersection for half an hour hence it always turning into Mad Max, but I am curious who technically is in the wrong.
City planners are anything but......usually.

If you haven't figured it out yet, cities build their infrastructure and then hire consultants to cone in and figure out ways to increase revenue. At first it was traffic light cameras. They would install these at certain intersections where the data suggested people were running lights or going "mad max" to get through turns or lights. This was a money grab. However, courts started ruling that traffic cam tickets were not legal. So, police officer patrols were shifted to focus on patrolling these areas more in order to write more tickets.
Toll roads are built and booths installed with no actual people in booths--- or change baskets so you can just toss your coins in and move along.

Why? So you have to monitor your mail for when the toll Bill of $1.25 arrives. They send it to you in a non descript envelope hoping you'll think it's junk mail and throw it out, only to be able to slap a fine on you for not paying, then you miss a court date for said fine, then you owe $750 bucks.

Money grab.
when the left turn light is blinking, you have the right to turn....AS LONG AS there is no oncoming traffic. The on coming traffic has the right of way at that point. The only time the left turn traffic has the full right of way is when the left turn arrow is solid green.
If the right turners have a yield sign to me that means you have right of way since they are entering the lane youre entering and must yield to any cars in that lane.
If I understand you and the right turner is the guy opposite you, then he does not have a yield sign while you have a green or even flashing arrow. He has a full stop light. He CAN turn on a red light, but only after he has yielded to all traffic and can make his right turn on red only when his lanes are totally clear.