Poorer Americans tend to be Democrats. That makes perfect sense, as they are the people most likely looking for some help. I don't mean just hand-outs -- but unions, livable wage, healthcare, immigration, racism, etc are all motivators for many of these people. It's easy to understand.
Middle Class and Upper Middle Class Americans tend to be Republican (except those living in NY and California). This makes perfect sense. If you're working hard and making some money, it is reasonable to want smaller government, lower taxes and a pro-business attitude. They want jobs, freedoms, upward mobility and prospects of a healthy retirement.
The Richest Americans tend to be Democrat -- This is the segment I don't understand. What makes the very wealthiest Americans, many of whom made their fortunes in business, revert to a liberal mindset? Did they make so much that now they want to give it all away? Is it guilt about their success?
I am asking sincerely. What does George Soros and those like him hope to gain with their agenda?
Middle Class and Upper Middle Class Americans tend to be Republican (except those living in NY and California). This makes perfect sense. If you're working hard and making some money, it is reasonable to want smaller government, lower taxes and a pro-business attitude. They want jobs, freedoms, upward mobility and prospects of a healthy retirement.
The Richest Americans tend to be Democrat -- This is the segment I don't understand. What makes the very wealthiest Americans, many of whom made their fortunes in business, revert to a liberal mindset? Did they make so much that now they want to give it all away? Is it guilt about their success?
I am asking sincerely. What does George Soros and those like him hope to gain with their agenda?