"Do you want to build a Peeee Niiiiiisss"


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
Sung in my head to the song from "Frozen" that my 6 year old niece loves....

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There is no gender "transition". Patients CAN be neutered. I take the Ted Nugent view: Let 'em go, in a generation or two, they will remove themselves from the gene pool.
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Looks like a portion of its peepee will have part of a blue tattoo. What's more masculine than having your limp wrist noodle tatted?

Is it odd that I actually want to see how the frankennoodle turned out? IT'S ALIIIIIIVE!

Side thought, couldn't you just buy a cadaver weiner? You know, like when you blow out your knee...
Looks like a portion of its peepee will have part of a blue tattoo. What's more masculine than having your limp wrist noodle tatted?

Is it odd that I actually want to see how the frankennoodle turned out? IT'S ALIIIIIIVE!

Side thought, couldn't you just buy a cadaver weiner? You know, like when you blow out your knee...
How's he pee?

No, it's on in most of the developed world. England closed their gender transition clinic a month or so ago. The tide is running out.
So I need to move to a 3rd World country where they're barely educated but know what a woman is? Can't make this shit up! This country has gone to shit.
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