Has anyone tried ChatGPT?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
New Braunfels
I've been reading up on this new AI focused chat bot that was just introduced in Nov. 2023. Wow! This could be a major game changer. It's still being developed but it's available for free use by the general public for feedback and research.

College students are already in on the action. Using it to help them complete assignments and exams.

There's another report that it was used in a demonstration to take the SAT exam and it scored in the 85% percentile.

Could this be the next big thing that changes the world for better or worse?

I played a little with it today to write a song and also a story about my 3 year old granddaughter. Pretty cool so far.

I also asked it to write about Texas Longhorn football recruiting. I edited a few things like player's names which it used generic names. Here is what it wrote:

The Texas Longhorn football team has had a strong recruiting class for the upcoming season. The team's coaches have done a great job of identifying and securing some of the top high school talent in the state and across the country.

One of the standout players of this recruiting class is quarterback, Arch Manning. He is a highly touted prospect with a strong arm and excellent accuracy. He should be a great addition to the team's offense and has the potential to become a future starter for the Longhorns.

Another key recruit is linebacker, Anthony Hill. He has a great combination of size and speed, and has the ability to disrupt the opposing team's offense with his pass rushing skills. He will be a valuable asset to the Longhorns' defense.

The Longhorns also did well in recruiting in other positions. They have signed a number of talented wide receivers, running backs, and offensive linemen who will add depth and competition to the team.

Overall, the Texas Longhorn football team has had a successful recruiting class that should help them to be a competitive team in the upcoming season. The team's coaches should be commended for their efforts in bringing in talented and dedicated players who will help to build a strong foundation for the future.
Plug it into 4chan, then Twitter.

Report back.

*Spoiler alert-- it's going to drop the words "Nazi, Trump, (the N word), fvck, Tranny, equity, Covid, unvaxxed, impeach and Qanon" all in one sentence.

We are so fvcked as a species.
The problem with the bot is it's limited to what is available on the internet and any additional information programmed into it. In other words, there's a ton of woke PC bullshyt loaded. Whether it has the ability to think and reason logically and rationally, we don't know for sure. If it could reason and apply logic, it would be free of any woke PC influences.
I hate writing letters of recommendation. Thought I would see what ChatGPT would come up with. It provided an outline with with some flowery language, I went through and added some information about, student background, classes, GPA and extra curriculars. The put it through Grammarly and made it even better. The whole process took about 10 minutes.
I hate writing letters of recommendation. Thought I would see what ChatGPT would come up with. It provided an outline with with some flowery language, I went through and added some information about, student background, classes, GPA and extra curriculars. The put it through Grammarly and made it even better. The whole process took about 10 minutes.
If you have any trade secrets that are best kept secret, don't put them on the web. AI is going to be harvesting everything out there. Results are fine but the secret sauce may be best kept in an old fashioned book.
I don't publish anything all that earth shattering so I am not too concerned. Most of my publications require some type of journal subscription although I have seen a PDF on google scholar. The stuff I have just isn't commercially viable.

I think this will kill some of the value textbook companies is their ancillary materials. I hate writing multiple choice questions so I have been playing around with that. So far results have been mixed. ChatGPT wrote some really good basic kinetic and kinematic questions but it struggled with some other topics.

One thing that it really sucks at was lit reviews. or research proposals.
I've been reading up on this new AI focused chat bot that was just introduced in Nov. 2023. Wow! This could be a major game changer. It's still being developed but it's available for free use by the general public for feedback and research.

College students are already in on the action. Using it to help them complete assignments and exams.

There's another report that it was used in a demonstration to take the SAT exam and it scored in the 85% percentile.

Could this be the next big thing that changes the world for better or worse?

A whole lot of students are using it:

If I was still in school I would, too. While its writing is fairly pedantic and easily recognizable, it’s great for outlining papers. Then it’s easy to write the paper on one’s own, especially regarding a subject you’re not particularly interested in at the time.

I don’t think it’s a game changer, except for search engines. Google is shaking in their boots and are hurriedly getting their own version of ChatGPT out. Searching for answers on the internet will be a heckuva lot easier and less work when these sophisticated chatbots take over.

It’s also a great translator. Here is the above in Catalan:

Si encara estigués a l'escola, jo també ho faria. Tot i que la seva escriptura és bastant pedant i fàcilment reconeixible, és genial per esbossar papers. Després és fàcil escriure el paper per tu mateix, especialment sobre un tema que no estiguis especialment interessat en aquell moment.

No crec que sigui un canviador de joc, excepte per als motors de cerca. Google està sacsejant-se i estan aconseguint la seva pròpia versió de ChatGPT de pressa. Cercar respostes a Internet serà molt més fàcil i menys treball quan aquests xats sofisticats prenguin el control.
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