
Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2021
Hey everyone! While our YouTube videos are available to watch for all, we know that some would rather read through what was said. Here is a transcription of Jake Majors' first episode, and I will try to keep this going for all our athlete's episodes as well!

Disclaimer: This is not a word for word transcription, plenty of filler words have been edited out for readability sake.

Geoff Ketchum: Jake, four practices in, how’re you feeling? How’s your body, how’s your brain?

Jake Majors: You know, it's fall camp, it's a grind but, you know, we gotta stay focused and get better every day. It's just kind of what Coach Sark preaches but you know it's been a fun time so far, hanging around the guys, now we just... it's kind of like doing a lot of fellowship just trying to get closer before the season.

GK: Walk me through... in your mind because, the pads haven't fully come on, has camp started yet? You know because I gotta believe this year's different for you right? This time last year four days in your head might have been swimming, but four days now like what's it like, what's the difference?

JM: I'd say the difference is I have a tiny bit of experience under my belt so there's a bit of... I can kind of rely on that knowing, “Hey I've been here before, I deserve to be here like keep your head on straight, and just play ball.” So you know right now mentally I'm just focusing on getting better every day, you know last year around this time it was kind of hard to stay focused with all the COVID stuff going on, and being unsure if we're gonna have a season, but right now it's been pretty easy just staying focused. You know I have a lot of mentors around me: Derek Kerstetter, Junior (Angilau), Christian Jones, Tope (Imade) , Denzel Okafor, so it's been a good time.

GK: You know I don't know that we've given enough respect to the fact that this time last year, there was so much uncertainty about the season, and you guys hadn't gone through anything. You know what I mean, everything was so new. Does it feel like, I don't know that you've even experienced what normal is yet as a college student but, does it feel more normal?

JM: I don't think so yet, because classes are still online, and you know I've yet to experience a full stadium out of you know at a power five D1 school. You know because with COVID and everything, and it's just I'm just kind of preparing for getting back to the regular schedule, going to classes, meeting new people, building connections, but just you know with delta variant coming along it's just it's kind of hard to say it's getting back to normal .

GK: I can kind of see it on your face, like to suggest normalcy you know, I could just see it in your eyes. This, whatever this is, like it's cool and all i guess... but normal is not a word yet we should associate with what you guys do deal with right now

JM: Yes sir, for sure.

GK: Walk me through, four days in for an offensive line, what is Coach Flood hitting the most for you guys right now? Is there a common theme, is there the next time you guys practice, you know he's looking for this from y'all right now? What does the first week of practice look like for the offensive line?

JM: Honestly, it's just understanding the playbook, you know every offense has like the base plays that we need to know and able to execute without any errors so right now we're just going over the basics and attacking those basics just so we can do them second nature and the first couple of days it's hard to get into rhythm because we're back in half pads. But, you know we treat it like full pads because we all have a competitive edge, but I just think that our main focus right now is to get a rhythm, get in our playbooks and just execute how Coach Flood wants us to.

GK: You know, it occurred to me earlier today that this is the first time a lot of Texas fans will have seen you talk in front of a camera and like talk about your experience.It's funny, I was looking at pictures today of you from high school and you already look... just different to me than you did in high school versus from your photos. Tell us about you a little bit, introduce us to the Jake Majors that over time, we're going to learn a lot about over the course of the next months.

JM: You're going to learn that I like to prioritize academics, you know student-athlete first. A big Star Wars fan, I was born in San Angelo, Texas - West Texas, that's where my roots are. I've been all over the place, because my dad's job went to Tennessee, came back to Frisco in the North Dallas area, and then graduated from Prosper. Now I'm an offensive lineman, I like to eat food, I like to hang out with my buddies. I mean yeah, I love ball.

GK: Let's circle back to the Star Wars thing for a second, you brought that up fast, like second words out of your mouth. You're a young guy, so like I'm a Star Wars guy because when I was eight years old, Return of the Jedi was coming out. So I was around when the original movies came out. How did you become a Star Wars guy given that you're young? I'm surprised to hear that.

JM: I think it was more so my dad. My dad was a big Star Wars fan and I tell him this every day I'm just like, “You're the reason I'm a huge Star Wars fan.” There's this one day that I remember, it's kind of funny, I'll share it though. I lost my tooth, and then the next day was Easter morning and I woke up, and under my pillow was the original three set. So ever since then i've had a growing love for Star Wars and you know I just like to have something to go back on and enjoy.

GK: So the best movie in the entire series is what for you?

JM: I'd say revenge of the sith really probably one of my favorite

GK: Your favorite character is jar jar binks?


JM: I don't think so I think I'd say Obi-wan Kenobi, for sure.

GK: Okay now, I know this is a weird internet question so forgive me for asking this, but I will get into trouble if I don't ask an offensive lineman this question: beans or no beans in your chili?

JM: Beans for sure, I like beans in my chili.

GK: Feels like you just made stew is what it did. You just turn the chili into stew.

JM: I just like texture

GK: Is that a West Texas thing? Where do you get beans in the chili, where do you first pick that up?

JM: So I mean I was never really a big chili fan, but in high school my o-line coach made it every once in a while and always put beans in his chili. I'm like, “You know what, I'll rock with it.”

GK: Fair enough, you came by it organically and naturally, it just passed down from a coach. What are you going to do at that point?
Tell us about Coach Flood, I mean, we don't know a whole lot about him yet for the same reasons you know we haven't had a chance to learn a lot about you. Still relatively new, this is his first year, are all offensive line coaches alike in general or have you already found that there's a big difference in a change in offensive line coaches?

JM: I'd say that all offensive line coaches have the same mindset: They love ball, they have a passion behind it, and you know they love teaching it. Coach Flood, he brings a new aspect to it. You know, we learned new techniques compared to before, and I just I don't know just how to say- I just feel he's really approachable, in the way he teaches and he allows us to express ourselves and what we think and he likes to feed off that. Also put us on the right path so I think he's very understanding and as a coach that's the only thing you can ask for as a player. Just to see where your thoughts come from and make a cohesive decision, but he's a great guy, he's a huge Monster fan. Yeah, I mean, I'm happy (to have him) as our coach, I think we're gonna do big things with him.

GK: When the pads come on, is there anybody that is your one-on-one buddy? I don't necessarily mean it in a bad or a good way, but do you find yourself matched up either from the spring or do you know what that looks like when the pads come on? Do you know who you will primarily go up against?

JM: Yeah, Keondre Coburn

GK: Oh, have fun with that.

JM: Yeah, I mean he kind of mentioned it at Big 12 media day, right when spring ball started I dm'd and I was like, “Help me be great so I can help you be great.” We've kind of had that vibe towards each other since then, so i'm happy that we've gained that relationship, and he makes me better every day and I hope I make him better every day.

GK: If there was a Jake Majors “attaboy” award for the first four days of practice, has there been a guy on either side of the ball that for you that you're like, “Yeah man that guy's doing it.” That just wherever it might be?

JM: D-Line someone who stands out is Byron Murphy, the freshman, he's been showing out a lot. Offensive wise, Xavier Worthy, he's really showing up and of course, Bijan (Robinson), he's doing a lot of good things. I mean I hate to point out only single people because I love my team, I think they're all doing really good right now.

GK: Well the good news is, every time you single anybody out, they’re on your team so everybody's fair game to get an atta boy at some point during the course of all
these videos. I have two more questions, the first one: Does the average fan have a real idea of what you guys go through? Because, I thought I did and now that we're doing these videos, and we're just trying to find times to connect that aren't when you're dead tired, or when you know what I mean like I'm getting a real sense of like, “Man, these guys never stop.”

JM: Yeah I do not think that the average person understands what we go through, and I mean like no disclaimer to them, but it's just... it's what we signed up for. You know, some days are harder than others but it's just what we go through. It's the love for the game that we have so yeah i'd say it's a pretty tight-schedule when it comes to planning things outside of football around this time.

GK: Our last question is just kind of personal for you. You feel very mature for a second-year guy, you've got this interview thing, you're very comfortable. I think talking to me and uh obviously that's not the first time you've ever done an interview, but i just wonder was there like a light switch moment for you because we watched you at the end of the season last year and thought you played really well, and so here you are now coming back this year and there's a bigger set of expectations for you. That you will potentially emerge as a starter, and that if you're playing center that's such an important position on the offensive line it kind of becomes your line to a certain extent, at least that's why I think most centers think about the job. Have you had an epiphany moment in the first year, where it just kind of came together for you? When you realized, “Okay this is working out, I'm doing okay and like it's all roses from here.” In terms of you being able to handle this?

JM: Yeah I think, the moment when I realized I could do well at center, was when I volunteered to play that position at the opening finals. I felt like, “Hey I'm comfortable with this position,” and then from there on, I kind of learned what it means to be a center. Because, I played tackle in high school, I didn't know what I was doing. Then my first year I kind of learned the ropes, talked to Derek Kerstetter, learned from him most of the time and then by the K-state game, when that came around and the opportunity came I felt like I was ready. I felt that all the mentorship from Derek and just learning the offense and just being able to understand why we do things on offense and that came easy to me. I think that's whenever I could do big things in this position.

GK: So glad I asked that question, look, his name is Jake Majors. We don't have a name for the show yet, it could be, The Jake Majors Show, we could do something with his name, it's coming, this is the first of many videos. Dude, go get some rest. Thanks for the time tonight, and we'll talk to you later in the week my man.

JM: Yes sir, appreciate you.

GK: You got it, take care.


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