Tweet of the Day

That lady had some demons she never dealt with. So sad. Alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. are all bottomless pits that will never satisfy. Only Christ can fulfill.

Another note, for 30 days she lay dead in her apartment? Effing kidding me? She truly was left by everyone that knew her and loved her. So freaking sad. And her new crowd didn’t give two shits about her
I learned 2 things early on traveling to the oil fields around the world.
1. Don’t ask what it is.
2. Don’t be around when they cook it.
I wouldnt be suprised at how many ppl would faint or be disgusted if they went to a slaughter house. Best advice is what you just said. Dont ask, dont look.
I got to party with Billy Gibbons one night. No cocaine was involved. He played at my cousin's blues club. We were backstage. Dude is tiny.
Coolest celebrity moment I had was at a bachelor party on Halloween at the Clubhouse in Dallas. Vinny Paul owned it. He then invited us back to his house for a party and let's just say it was as wild as expected. Strippers, drugs, live hookups happening every where. Was crazy
Coolest celebrity moment I had was at a bachelor party on Halloween at the Clubhouse in Dallas. Vinny Paul owned it. He then invited us back to his house for a party and let's just say it was as wild as expected. Strippers, drugs, live hookups happening every where. Was crazy
Was that before or after Dimebag
was shot?
You know how Vinny died right?

Poor bastards heart gave out. Too much booger sugar.
Was that before or after Dimebag
was shot?
You know how Vinny died right?

Poor bastards heart gave out. Too much booger sugar.
way after. i waited tables at a TGI FRIDAYS for 4 years and he went to sherlocks bar every night to play pool which was in our same parking lot. I met him a few times there. The Halloween party was in 2010.

and yeah i know how he died. His party had drugs EVERYWHERE, LITERALLY anything you want, it was there.
Was that before or after Dimebag
was shot?
You know how Vinny died right?

Poor bastards heart gave out. Too much booger sugar.
Dimebag Darrell...that's a blast from the past. Cody Canada and CCR memorialized him well in their song "Dimebag". Great tune.