Was I Wrong

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Choosing a damn dog over family = fail. Its just a dog, just cause you love your dogs doesnt mean everyone else does or has to cater to your dogs needs. I cant imagine choosing an animal over spending time with family.
Even though your wife said it was cool for you to stay home, it most likely wasnt. My wife tells me its okay to do stuff all of the time, but I can just tell it is a set up for her to get pissed at me. She told me it was cool to go to Vietnam with some of my friends from school this summer. Even though she said it was okay, I know that if I had went to Vietnam with my friends I would have been in a world of hell for months after I got back. Sometimes, yes means no when it comes to wives.
Originally posted by BrianQueso:
Definitely not wrong, I feel the same way about my dogs being kenneled.

X2 my dogs are my committment
Since you're asking, I think you were wrong. Although dogs are family, they don't have the same emotions that need to be managed like people do.

Hope you're having a great holiday.
The good thing about dogs is that they are unconditionally forgiving. Unfortunately, people are not.
It was your turn to visit Midland for Christmas and you didn't go. What's wrong with this picture?

You should have taken one for the team and leaned on your friends. That's what they're for. It was probably short notice, but I'm sure you could have found a way to make it up to them.

Then hopefully your wife would have realized how hard it was for you to leave your dogs behind and appreciated your sacrifice.
This post was edited on 12/25 1:06 PM by CenTex Horn
My Dad did the same thing to us for years, mainly as a convenient excuse NOT to see his Daughter-In law or get out of his comfort zone.

Always loved my Dad but it was an embarrassment to my Mom and my wife, and really made him look foolish....sometimes it's better to bite your tongue and do something for others for the sake of family.

IMO you should cherish everyday you can be w/loved ones. Especially at Christmas.
Board the damn dogs and take the trip next time.

Placing animals above family is wrong.
Projecting that your's will die in the kennel is wrong.
Assuming your wife is ok with second place to the dogs is wrong.
Assuming your dogs will get along with two new puppies is wrong.

You know this will strain relationships.

This isn't about the dogs or your wife or your daughter in law (whatever your relationship with her). It's about you.


This reminds me of the Dog Whisperer show where Cesar is working with a woman and her son and their little dog. The mother let the little dog sit on her lap, growl and bite her own son on camera without doing anything. Just amazing to me. She treated it like a little person with no boundaries. The dog treated her like he was the Alpha and she was his... woman. He was a dog and was acting accordingly. Cesar told the woman he couldn't help her until she stopped treating the dog like a person and allowing it to control her and abuse her son. The woman wept as Cesar very gently corrected the dog with his shush method.

No animal is worth more than people or family. What upsets me even more are the folks who say 'he would never hurt a soul' after their dog attacks another kid or dog. They are ANIMALS! You are not 'loving' your dogs, you are 'rejecting' your step daughter-in-law and wife.


I've owned dogs and loved dogs and mourned at their passing. But they never came before my family.
Dogs live in the moment. They don't have the human emotions we love to put on them, but if they did, I think they'd tell you to go enjoy your grandkids and spend Christmas with your wife. A good kennel is usually very well run, clean, and, honestly, a ton of fun for your dogs. I bet you could make it by dinner if you leave in the next 2 hours.....
You were wrong.... dead wrong.

So your dogs are more important to you than your family?
Sorry, but I believe the OP is wrong for doing this. Spend time with your wife and childeren. The dogs will be there when you get back.
I'm guessing since he hasn't responded he either up and drove or is asking his local family their opinion. Obviously he just wants to be agreed with but this is wrong. It's not like this was a last minute issue, he knew he was going to Midland this year.

OP you're being a shithead and I don't care how offended you are, you should be with your wife and her family since she spent the last one with yours. If I was your step-daughter you would have to kiss my ass a ton to ever come to anything involving my family or children again which should only make Grandma upset. This is pathetic.
Depends on the dogs. My dogs would be stressed the f&*k out if they had to be at a kennel for 3 days. They would be traumatized. I wouldn't do it. But there are other options. I'm sure you could've found a professional dog sitter to go to your house a couple of times a day to feed them and let them out. If no dog sitters were available, I'm sure you have an understanding friend.
Originally posted by DropShot_7:
I'll say that I understand your initial reaction, but to actually follow through with it and stay home on Christmas? Like others have said, it's her house, and not everybody enjoys having other people's dogs in their house. Yes, you're wrong, and you made for some awkward situations moving forward.
Posted from
+1. Love my dog, but I don't know how others would feel? Now, I'd take him to my mom's house, that's for sure.
Originally posted by relling44:
You should have gone, stayed in a pet friendly hotel, and made everyone happy. Be more proactive and solutions oriented for the sake of your family, please.

This is what a person who wanted to go would have done. What you did was try to pull a power play and get your wife to side with you against her daughter. (I find it very telling that you refer to your step-daughter as your step daughter in law, a kind of double whammy of remoteness from you.) I applaud your wife for not falling for your ploy and going to visit her daughter and grandkids anyway.
Our kids will not let me bring my dogs to their houses either. Can't imagine why.

I consider our pets as part of the family but not in the same sense as wife and children. Your wife says that it is OK to stay home and my wife would say the same but I know better. It would hurt feelings and I am not about to do that. I love my dogs but not at the expense of my family. I will not preach to you because you are a grown man and you can do whatever is right for you. As an old man I have learned that a loving wife will say "yes" when she really means "no".

We have two little house dogs and a house cat. We kennel them when we go somewhere. We have the little dogs put in the same kennel because they are inseparable. The cat could care less.

Our big dogs are more of a problem. I would not put them in a kennel for fear of an "accident" and I don't know if a kennel would take them anyway. We have high school boys who work for us in the summer and they stay at our house while we are gone and baby sit the big dogs. These kids are more like family than employees and they love to stay here anyway. I would rather give them the money than some kennel. I trust them and the dogs together because the dogs see them all of the time. With today's cell phones the kids can call us anytime and they usually do. We can also call them anytime.
Yes, you were wrong. I love dogs, but yours are not welcome at my house either. I would never think of bringing my dog to yours.

You'll ruin Christmas for yourself and some members of the family. But at least you have your principles.
Hahahaha, wait, wait, wait....... So, you ditched Christmas with your family to stay home alone with your dog? Wow. Classic idiocy.
Originally posted by wwVYd:
Depends on the dogs. My dogs would be stressed the f&*k out if they had to be at a kennel for 3 days. They would be traumatized. I wouldn't do it. But there are other options. I'm sure you could've found a professional dog sitter to go to your house a couple of times a day to feed them and let them out. If no dog sitters were available, I'm sure you have an understanding friend.

Holy crap...
I can't imagine choosing your dogs over family. And they will be fine in a kennel. I think you owe everyone an apology.
I don't think anyone on this board can tell you if you did the right or wrong thing. If you genuinely care more about your dogs than your wife and relatives, than you made the absolute right choice, and that's OK. If not, than you made the wrong choice.
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