Would Mack Brown be a good choice for the playoff committee?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
The Big XII's token member, Kirby Hocutt, is stepping down after bowl season and replacements will be made soon after. Besides Hocutt, Barry Alvarez is stepping down (arrogant sob), and Condoleeza Rice is also stepping down (praise the lord), the fourth member is Bobby Johnson which is good. Clemson had two much representation on the pc, Bobby Johnson played at Clemson, and the Clemson ad is also on the committee. But don't get me wrong just like they did last year Clemson deserves to be in the playoffs this year.

I have some thoughts about who the Big XII rep should be. A few choices

Spencer Tillman former OK rb. Lets face it he's so dull on tv Fox's ratings could improve if he wasn't on. But obviously is following the season since he's doing games on Fox. I know he would look out for OK what I want to know will he look out for the conference as a whole. We need someone who will muscle the rest of the pc like Alvarez and Long do. Can he find some people to be his puppets like Rice was for Alvarez and Long, and Steve Wieberg?

They should stop naming former coaches and ad's. They should have former players. Well how about LaDanian Tomlinson? He played at TCU before they got into the Big XII. He actively follows the game and he's young he played his last college game in 2000 which means he's under 40. And by accounts I've read he's a first class guy. He was an AA and should have been invited to the Heisman ceremony. He also had a great career in the NFL. Next year he will be eligible for the HOF and if they don't vote him in on the first ballot then the ones that don't should be sentenced to a lifetime of covering badminton.

Which brings me to the point of the thread Mack Brown. Look I'm grateful for what the man did for UT fb. He's the second best coach in school history ahead of Dana Bible and only behind Darrell Royal. He's just not that good on tv the man is prone to cliches. And yes he would look out for Texas but I think he'll look out for the Big XII as a whole. And the man knows how to make friends he's as good as I've seen anywhere, and anyplace. He could be a consensus builder. But the drawback to that it could mean a lot of different things. In 2008 TX and OK were in a bitter battle in the polls over who should be number one. But do you remember that FL was also involved? Meyer and Stoops voted for their schools as they should have. But dyk that Mack Brown voted for FL? That was my number one resentment for all the things he did while he was our coach. He has to realize while building a consensus is commendable the SEC, and Big X, don't play that way.

Of course the Big XII has to put a much improved product on the field. I imagine Tillman and Brown would have to step down from their tv gigs.

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yeah,,,,Mack could have voted for us....but the reason we did not get there in 2008 is because that POS Bryles(spit behind my back to ward off the curse) voted us 5th or 7th or some such rediculous number just to screw us.
yeah,,,,Mack could have voted for us....but the reason we did not get there in 2008 is because that POS Bryles(spit behind my back to ward off the curse) voted us 5th or 7th or some such rediculous number just to screw us.

I understand why a lot of longhorn fans are upset about Briles and the fact that he let a couple of student trainers do the voting a fact that he himself has acknowledged. There were a lot of Texas coaches that voted for OK. Why? because they see Texas as arrogant. And some jealous that TX politic-ed themselves ahead of Cal to get in the Rose Bowl. Were just seen by so many coaches in the southwest as arrogant and entitled. Strangely they've never thought about OK. Go figure. Maybe now with the Mixon and Westbrook stories they will finally start to study OK and their history.


I resent the h*** out of Mack Brown not voting for his team more than anything. Look there is no honor in ranking college fb teams Mack Brown for some reason did not understand that. He didn't realize that a vote for FL was really a vote for OK.
I am not pissed at Bryles for letting someone vote for him during the year......It was his final poll vote that HE voted where he purposely voted Texas wayyyyy number 7 or so. It seriously was unethical and was done with the sole purpose of screwing Texas in the computer rankings.
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It really doesn't matter who is on the committee. Until there are actual criteria to make it to the playoffs you are always going to have agendas and moving goal posts. ADs and such are on the basketball committee and that works fine because there is criteria
I would like the committee consist of former players, preferable under 40 because they played in the current era. Put two from each P5 conference than 3 others from at large schools. Do you think we have any former players who might be qualified to be on the committee?