
  1. HotCheeto

    POLL: which type of food is best?

    Which cuisine reigns supreme?
  2. HotCheeto

    POLL: Shaka

    If Texas beats OSU, wins 2 big 12 tournament games, and loses in the first round of the NCAA tournament, does Shaka earn another year? This isn’t a question of whether he deserves another year in your opinion, it’s whether or not CDC brings him back with that kind of finish. This seems like a...
  3. LonghornCPA82

    Do You Donate to the Longhorn Foundation? If so How Many Season Tickets Do You Buy?

    The CDC comment of 18K Longhorn Foundation members made me wonder who donates to the LHF and how many season tickets do you buy? I have donated to the LHF since 1998 and buy 6 football season tickets.