Here are some headlines about Trump just from yesterday's New York Times.
13 stories - all negative.
What are the odds the NYT would go 13/13 on negative stories about Hillary if she had won.
Trump Turns Staid Cabinet Process Into Spectacle
Alt-Right Exults in Election With Salute of ‘Heil Victory’
Indian Business Partners Hope to Exploit Trump Ties
Many in Milwaukee Neighborhood Didn’t Vote — And Don’t Regret It
Let’s Say Obamacare Is Repealed. What Then?
Critic’s Notebook: ‘Hamilton’ Duel: Addressing the President-Elect on His Own Blunt Terms
How Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study
Reince Priebus, Normalizer in Chief: As Mr. Trump’s new chief of staff, the lifelong G.O.P. loyalist will have to guide an outsider president and his band of radicals through a city they’ve pledged to upend.
Blow: Making America White Again
Krugman: Build He Won’t
A Retreat From TPP Would Empower China
On Campus: A Dreamer’s Deportation Nightmare
Op-Ed: Voting Rights in the Age of Trump
13 stories - all negative.
What are the odds the NYT would go 13/13 on negative stories about Hillary if she had won.
Trump Turns Staid Cabinet Process Into Spectacle
Alt-Right Exults in Election With Salute of ‘Heil Victory’
Indian Business Partners Hope to Exploit Trump Ties
Many in Milwaukee Neighborhood Didn’t Vote — And Don’t Regret It
Let’s Say Obamacare Is Repealed. What Then?
Critic’s Notebook: ‘Hamilton’ Duel: Addressing the President-Elect on His Own Blunt Terms
How Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study
Reince Priebus, Normalizer in Chief: As Mr. Trump’s new chief of staff, the lifelong G.O.P. loyalist will have to guide an outsider president and his band of radicals through a city they’ve pledged to upend.
Blow: Making America White Again
Krugman: Build He Won’t
A Retreat From TPP Would Empower China
On Campus: A Dreamer’s Deportation Nightmare
Op-Ed: Voting Rights in the Age of Trump