A&M has fully embraced the SEC way


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
Allegedly, they got confirmation that his BAC was below the legal limit of .08. He's 21 and is legal to drink. Not the smartest move but doesn't appear there will be any charges filed. It is legal to drink and drive as long as you are below the legal limit and are not a minor. It is the discretion of the officer to arrest you under suspicion of DWI but that doesn't mean you have committed a crime.
Allegedly, they got confirmation that his BAC was below the legal limit of .08. He's 21 and is legal to drink. Not the smartest move but doesn't appear there will be any charges filed. It is legal to drink and drive as long as you are below the legal limit and are not a minor. It is the discretion of the officer to arrest you under suspicion of DWI but that doesn't mean you have committed a crime.

Nobody has an issue with him making a less then stellar decision... they are trashing the aggy coaching staff for allowing him to play that soon after he was arrested. There was no way they had enough info to justify not sitting him for a few games, but they had to do what they could to win....and put him in to a game a day later that they needed him in.....
Nobody has an issue with him making a less then stellar decision... they are trashing the aggy coaching staff for allowing him to play that soon after he was arrested. There was no way they had enough info to justify not sitting him for a few games, but they had to do what they could to win....and put him in to a game a day later that they needed him in.....

There is no way for us to know what information they had. Trocha very well may have taken the breathalyzer and been below the legal limit, that happens as sometimes a person who may not drink much starts stumbling around after 1-2 drinks. They fail the field sobriety test and then pass the breath test. If that is the case, there would be no reason to hold him out of the next game. But again, its just speculation as we only know what has been released. Since it doesn't appear charges will be filed, I don't think its fair to say it was a bad decision.
There is no way for us to know what information they had. Trocha very well may have taken the breathalyzer and been below the legal limit, that happens as sometimes a person who may not drink much starts stumbling around after 1-2 drinks. They fail the field sobriety test and then pass the breath test. If that is the case, there would be no reason to hold him out of the next game. But again, its just speculation as we only know what has been released. Since it doesn't appear charges will be filed, I don't think its fair to say it was a bad decision.

No need to make excuses for the guy. Or give us "what if" scenarios that paint him innocent. Your scenario is very, very unlikely.

And I am not so sure the U is blameless here. In fact, I think most other schools would NOT have put him on the court that quickly after an arrest for a pretty serious offence. An arrest itself is reason alone to hold a kid out from being on the field of play hours later. Not even as punishment.

Bottom line, I'd tend to tell people to take a few days off after an arrest. At this time they can regroup and refocus their mind/body. Properly schedule what they need to with a lawyer, etc. And I can gather info. Especially if it is a young man. I wouldn't put them back to work just hours after they walk out of a jail cell. Factor in the whole student, athlete thing and that these kids (like it or not) are in the public eye and do in fact represent the University....I'd err on the side of caution even more.

Just my two cents. Best of luck to the kid. I hope he learns from this. Whether he was innocent or guilty or somewhere in between....his actions still compromised himself. At the very least, when you do that....you open yourself up for unwanted actions to be taken against you.
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There is no way for us to know what information they had. Trocha very well may have taken the breathalyzer and been below the legal limit, that happens as sometimes a person who may not drink much starts stumbling around after 1-2 drinks. They fail the field sobriety test and then pass the breath test. If that is the case, there would be no reason to hold him out of the next game. But again, its just speculation as we only know what has been released. Since it doesn't appear charges will be filed, I don't think its fair to say it was a bad decision.

If he wasnt drunk, he could have taken the breath test at the scene and been let go instead of being charged or arrested. Seeing as how he WAS arrested it would lead most to believe he refused the breath test and took it a cpl hours later after being arrested, at which point he did blow under the legal limit. THAT is how a DUI/DWI stop goes most everywhere... had he blown under the limit when pulled over, he wouldnt have been arrested... THAT is where the aggy brass slipped - he WAS arrested...... aside from that they didnt need anymore info to suspend him for a game or 2 over it. Even if charges are dropped this STILL looks bad for aggy as they didnt discipline him basically at all- simply bc they needed him in the game. Aggy FAIL all day everyday here... no way to justify or explain it away.
If he wasnt drunk, he could have taken the breath test at the scene and been let go instead of being charged or arrested. Seeing as how he WAS arrested it would lead most to believe he refused the breath test and took it a cpl hours later after being arrested, at which point he did blow under the legal limit. THAT is how a DUI/DWI stop goes most everywhere... had he blown under the limit when pulled over, he wouldnt have been arrested... THAT is where the aggy brass slipped - he WAS arrested...... aside from that they didnt need anymore info to suspend him for a game or 2 over it. Even if charges are dropped this STILL looks bad for aggy as they didnt discipline him basically at all- simply bc they needed him in the game. Aggy FAIL all day everyday here... no way to justify or explain it away.
I agree with much of what you are saying. But just to clarify, the arrest took place at 1AM on Sunday morning and he played Tuesday night, almost 72 hours after incident not just a few hours.
If he wasnt drunk, he could have taken the breath test at the scene and been let go instead of being charged or arrested. Seeing as how he WAS arrested it would lead most to believe he refused the breath test and took it a cpl hours later after being arrested, at which point he did blow under the legal limit. THAT is how a DUI/DWI stop goes most everywhere... had he blown under the limit when pulled over, he wouldnt have been arrested... THAT is where the aggy brass slipped - he WAS arrested...... aside from that they didnt need anymore info to suspend him for a game or 2 over it. Even if charges are dropped this STILL looks bad for aggy as they didnt discipline him basically at all- simply bc they needed him in the game. Aggy FAIL all day everyday here... no way to justify or explain it away.
I guess you are assuming CSPD police vehicles are equipped with breathalyzers. I don't know if they are but my understanding is that most are not. They usually have the driver take a field sobriety test and base their decision whether not to arrest on that.