Below is a link to the Yahoo story about singers questioning the use of the National Anthem before a ballgame. I have included a short exert of the story just below:
While I recognize the differences of opinions about race and policing in America I have a problem with either rewriting the National Anthem or doing away with it altogether. In addition, the completely ridiculous concept of 'white privilege' needs to die.
"...on Monday at the Sacramento Kings preseason game, singer Leah Tysse, who is white, kneeled while performing the national anthem.
"I have sung the anthem before but this time taking a knee felt like the most patriotic thing I could do. I cannot idly stand by as black people are unlawfully profiled, harassed and killed by our law enforcement over and over and without a drop of accountability," Tysse wrote on her Facebook page. "The sad reality is, as a white American I am bestowed a certain privilege in this nation that is not enjoyed by all people. Black families are having much different conversations with their children about how to interact with the police than white families. Let's be honest. Until we can recognize that white privilege exists we cannot have a dialogue about race."
"I have sung the anthem before but this time taking a knee felt like the most patriotic thing I could do. I cannot idly stand by as black people are unlawfully profiled, harassed and killed by our law enforcement over and over and without a drop of accountability," Tysse wrote on her Facebook page. "The sad reality is, as a white American I am bestowed a certain privilege in this nation that is not enjoyed by all people. Black families are having much different conversations with their children about how to interact with the police than white families. Let's be honest. Until we can recognize that white privilege exists we cannot have a dialogue about race."
While I recognize the differences of opinions about race and policing in America I have a problem with either rewriting the National Anthem or doing away with it altogether. In addition, the completely ridiculous concept of 'white privilege' needs to die.