Any Kyle Bass fans? Fascinating interview


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
Have I am still in disbelief in some of the things I have learned. The Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui lays out a lot of the inner workings of the Chinese government and banks. I plan on rewatching because the 52 minutes flew by with so much information.

I had to go back to this post due to Jack Ma laying low or missing. Kyle Bass interviews Guo Wengui. At the 43:30, Bass asks for a prediction about Jack Ma: He says jail or death. Wengui said that Ma already had to resign and sign away his shares of Alibaba. This interview was in the fall of 2018.
What did this guy do that pissed off the Chinese so badly?
I can't say for sure, but it appears he was an elite and wealthy member of the CCP who has become a fugitive whistleblower about the inner workings. I would analogise it to Grisham's "The Firm", if you know what I mean.
Communism = La Costra Nostra. The Chinese are operating a shell game/ pyramid scheme. Something big is coming to this planet soon. The next 10 years are going to make ww2 and The Great Depression look mild by comparison.
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I just finished reading "Where the Orange Blooms." Best account of the Vietnam war that I know of. Now, when I wear clothes made in Vietnam, I'm sure the factory is owned by a cadreman.

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