Anyone know what's going on with the field at DKR?

I heard they were replacing the turf. The long range goal is to return to grass, but the turf had to be replaced now.
The black is the underlayment as they've taken the old turf off to put down the new turf.

The TEXAS(North) end zone will likely come off tomorrow with the recruiting dead period kicking in at midnight. The new turf will be down when the dead period expires in 4 weeks.

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As for real grass what I've read is dropping the field, when they removed the track, plus the new NEZ and SEZ effects on air circulation make it a huge challenge to growing real grass.
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New turf going in at 1 am. Drinking whiskey and watching this slow process is like waiting for a not so hot chick to turn hot at the bar. Took screenshot of first roll out but don't know how to post them.
New rug going in. From how much darker the underlayment is from previous pix I'd say they spent the 24 hours from last piece up to first piece down working on the underlayment.

I was wondering if they were going to replace the turf. That old turf was looking bad. Wouldn’t have gone well with the brand new south end zone.
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