Thoroughly interesting read on a man with a very unique perspective you can read here. I'm not a person to get involved with politics and posting on OB, further I'm not going to say who is right or wrong in either case, but I do think it paints an interesting dichotomy of a man who understands perspective, the creation and importance of a legacy versus a man who solely seeks power damning the longer term consequences on the Republic. Yeah, I'll take some sh!t for my opinion, go ahead and give it the best shot you've got, I probably won't reply and let the article speak for itself. I'm generally conservative much like the way Arnold is described in the article maybe that is why I relate to his viewpoints so much. Lastly, I'd like to say that we are all human by nature and therefore have made mistakes - it is refreshing to look back at the way someone of his public exposure level has at least been willing to talk about and give an honest (or at best somewhat honest, I didn't know much about the story line when it came out except the babysitter issue until I read this article) attempt to address the issue.
Enjoy the read.
Enjoy the read.