

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
He damn sure wasn't playing with Bulldog, they had to tell him to quit playing with damn dog and get back into his pen,,LOL

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Yeah, and what’s your point? Bring that b$&tch collie around him and and see what happens.

I first thought you were an aggy who absolutely knows BEVO is a steer. If it was an honest question sorry for getting chippy.
I still can't figure out who is more savage, Bevo, BJ Foster, or Anthony Cook. Jalen Green honorable mention. Good times ahead!
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Isn't Bevo a steer?

Yes, and that's why he's a steer. If Bevo was a bull, that would've been a bloody mess, and Georgia would be looking for the next UGA. Nobody stopped him, he complied with commands. If he had nuts, he wouldn't be so willing to comply, and no amount of handlers could hold him back.

Trust me, you have no idea how strong Longhorns are, until you've got one roped to a 4x4 truck trying to lead him back home, and he plants his feet, and walks backward taking the truck with him.
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Yes, and that's why he's a steer. If Bevo was a bull, that would've been a bloody mess, and Georgia would be looking for the next UGA. Nobody stopped him, he complied with commands. If he had nuts, he wouldn't be so willing to comply, and no amount of handlers could hold him back.

Trust me, you have no idea how strong Longhorns are, until you've got roped to 4x4 truck trying to lead him back home, and he plants his feet, and walks backward taking the truck with him.

Yep that neck alone can toss a full grown man straight up in the air with not much effort.
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Yes, and that's why he's a steer. If Bevo was a bull, that would've been a bloody mess, and Georgia would be looking for the next UGA. Nobody stopped him, he complied with commands. If he had nuts, he wouldn't be so willing to comply, and no amount of handlers could hold him back.

Trust me, you have no idea how strong Longhorns are, until you've got roped to 4x4 truck trying to lead him back home, and he plants his feet, and walks backward taking the truck with him.

You’d think that an Aggie would know a little more about livestock....
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Bevo looked like that cow on Old Yeller that contracted the hydrophobie and went crazy
Yes, and that's why he's a steer. If Bevo was a bull, that would've been a bloody mess, and Georgia would be looking for the next UGA. Nobody stopped him, he complied with commands. If he had nuts, he wouldn't be so willing to comply, and no amount of handlers could hold him back.

Trust me, you have no idea how strong Longhorns are, until you've got one roped to a 4x4 truck trying to lead him back home, and he plants his feet, and walks backward taking the truck with him.

That and steers will grow longer horns than bulls.
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Apparently PETA is calling for both schools to retire using live mascots. Bunch of idiots.

We got a lotta Longhorn Lawyer that won't let that happen, we will tie their asses up in court for the next Century!

Maybe he didn't have his mom with him!


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Two people that I really love in this clip:


1. The handler who grabs Bevo's left horn and turns Bevo.

2. Blue Blazer Man. He stands right in the path, so he can push the startled photographer out of Bevo's way. Photo-dude (Nick Wagner, of the A-AS) was on one knee, with his back to Bevo, taking photos of Uga. Suddenly, the barricade & then Bevo started shoving him. Blue Blazer Man has no concern for his own safety, and fortunately isn't hurt. Wagner gets clocked by Bevo's right horn, but is otherwise OK.

Well done, to both these fellows.
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We got a lotta Longhorn Lawyer that won't let that happen, we will tie their asses up in court for the next Century!

Maybe he didn't have his mom with him!


Most coherent and factual thing I've ever seen you post. The lawyers that graduated from Texas law school would be lined up around the block to defend this case. And why not? It would make them famous as fvck .
Two people that I really love in this clip:


1. The handler who grabs Bevo's left horn and turns Bevo.

2. Blue Blazer Man. He stands right in the path, so he can push the startled photographer out of Bevo's way. Photo-dude (Nick Wagner, of the A-AS) was on one knee, with his back to Bevo, taking photos of Uga. Suddenly, the barricade & then Bevo started shoving him. Blue Blazer Man has no concern for his own safety, and fortunately isn't hurt. Wagner gets clocked by Bevo's right horn, but is otherwise OK.

Well done, to both these fellows.
The handler literally "hooked" bevo. The dude in the blazer had a rodeo clown moment but it didn't last long.
PETA---- people that know "so much" about animals that they really don't. Any idiot with a brain knows dogs and cows don't usually get along. The longhorn is one of the most surly breed of cattle and trying to suppress tens of thousands of years of biological evolution whereby the cloven hoofed mammal recognizes an animal that is distantly related to wolves and coyotes as a threat. That's called "nature" PETA. And if you hemp wearing, patchouli oil smelling warriors for mother nature's fauna don't understand that, perhaps you should spend your time reading books instead of telling the general public to murder broccoli instead of tasty quad-pedal animals.
I remember going to my friends wedding out in Hill Country and in the field was a Longhorn. Friends and family were so excited and wanted to take a picture with it. I shook my head and told them to leave it alone. It’s grazing and the last thing you want to do is run up to it. Damn beautiful though wish I could find my pictures.