Coach Banks


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
So apparently his girlfriend's monkey bit a kid on Halloween and they're being sued. So here is his classy girlfriend...... seriously.

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So his girlfriend is/was a stripper… none of anyone’s business. Probably helps him on the recruiting trail honestly lol
All jokes aside, opposing coaches are using this as leverage when meeting with recruits.
Probably but Banks has been one of the best recruiters in the country for awhile. I seriously doubt many recruits or their families care who the guys wife is. Or what she did for a living.
So his girlfriend is/was a stripper… none of anyone’s business. Probably helps him on the recruiting trail honestly lol
So, you think the recruits parents approve of this effing sleeze bag leaving his wife and kids? His is a POS.
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So, you think the recruits parents approve of this effing sleeze bag leaving his wife and kids? His is a POS.
I don’t think they “approve” but I also don’t think they give a rats ass either, and by the way neither should anyone else. That’s between he and his family.
You say that, but it's being used against Texas in recruiting big time.
And if they couldn’t use that they’d use something else… can’t worry that much about it.

it is worth noting that despite all the doom and gloom written about Texas recruiting lately we have the 7th class in the country. Pick up a couple more guys and it’s probably a top 5 class.
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And if they couldn’t use that they’d use something else… can’t worry that much about it.

So his behavior is acceptable? I don't think so. Coaches and players should be held to high standards and set good examples. Coach Banks does not uphold this value.
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Bottom line-- it's his business if he left his wife for a monkey weilding stripper.

But it's not a good look.

I would imagine it's no better than getting on Tinder while you're married and calling yourself Joey Freshwater so you can bang the co-eds at the school where you currently coach........
I don’t think they “approve” but I also don’t think they give a rats ass either, and by the way neither should anyone else. That’s between he and his family.
What an embarassment to the U. Of Texas. Front page news on ESPN website all weekend. You are also wrong. They do give a rats ass,
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Bottom line-- it's his business if he left his wife for a monkey weilding stripper.

But it's not a good look.

I would imagine it's no better than getting on Tinder while you're married and calling yourself Joey Freshwater so you can bang the co-eds at the school where you currently coach........
You taking about an Mackovic? Most TX fans knew he was an adulterer.
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So his behavior is acceptable? I don't think so. Coaches and players should be held to high standards and set good examples. Coach Banks does not uphold this value.

Do your standards also apply to candidates for POTUS?
You taking about an Mackovic? Most TX fans knew he was an adulterer.
Lane Kiffin did this while at Alabama as the OC.

This was his wife--

Mackovic was plugging his secretary. It was REALLY easy to tell when his wife had kicked him out if the house because he would show up to school without his wedding ring on. When he was allowed to move back in, he'd show up with his wedding ring on. He was such a little b!tch.
Lane Kiffin did this while at Alabama as the OC.

This was his wife--

Mackovic was plugging his secretary. It was REALLY easy to tell when his wife had kicked him out if the house because he would show up to school without his wedding ring on. When he was allowed to move back in, he'd show up with his wedding ring on. He was such a little b!tch.
Fond memories of good ol' Mackoprick eh? Lol
I don't think these kids and their parents are concerned about what an assistant coach does in his personal time. He didn't break any laws from the sounds of it so who cares.
Damn, I didn't know so many would have strong feelings about this either way. I just thought it was funny his girlfriend was featured on Springer.....and has a monkey with a biting habit.
Lane Kiffin did this while at Alabama as the OC.

This was his wife--

Mackovic was plugging his secretary. It was REALLY easy to tell when his wife had kicked him out if the house because he would show up to school without his wedding ring on. When he was allowed to move back in, he'd show up with his wedding ring on. He was such a little b!tch.
I remember Layla Kiffin. That was a bad scratcher for me as well. That woman is breathtakingly beautiful even ahead of Michelle Herman. Why would he do that?
Some people are just wired that way and have no morals or integrity and commitment means nothing to them. They crave attention and validation from the opposite sex. They're going to cheat no matter who they're in a relationship with. That goes for both men and women. It's just who they are.
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As an LDS I was taught that the natural man is not meant to be monogamous but it's the righteous man who is.
cali, so you support the FLDS cult and their beliefs? Polygamy is a sin, yet it is practiced within the LDS sect. What you say is in conflict with what is practiced in that unethical, brainwashed cult. Warren Jeffs is not only a polygamist, but an pedophile as well. He's where he deserves to be, locked up for life. There's a special place in Hell for people like him and those who follow that kind of lifestyle.
cali, so you support the FLDS cult and their beliefs? Polygamy is a sin, yet it is practiced within the LDS sect. What you say is in conflict with what is practiced in that unethical, brainwashed cult. Warren Jeffs is not only a polygamist, but an pedophile as well. He's where he deserves to be, locked up for life. There's a special place in Hell for people like him and those who follow that kind of lifestyle.
That's overly harsh. I agree Jeffs deserves to be punished, but his group was not a part of the mainstream LDS church. I believe it is wrong to paint all LDS members with that brush.
edit: I reread the post and may have misinterpreted the message
cali, so you support the FLDS cult and their beliefs? Polygamy is a sin, yet it is practiced within the LDS sect. What you say is in conflict with what is practiced in that unethical, brainwashed cult. Warren Jeffs is not only a polygamist, but an pedophile as well. He's where he deserves to be, locked up for life. There's a special place in Hell for people like him and those who follow that kind of lifestyle.
Why are you trying to make this personal? The Mormon church abolished polygamy in the 1890's as a condition to be admitted into the union.

These flds people are scum they are separated, completely separated, from the Mormon church Mormons around the world condemn them.

Somewhere between Big Lake and Midland can't remember the road is Jeff's compound. Big white compound stands out like a sore thumb. I lived in Midland for a year drove past it all the time when I drove from San Antonio to Midland. You ever seen what Warren Jeffs looks like it's why he goes on hunger strikes so he can avoid the general population. He wouldn't last long in prison.

Now please let's get back to the cultural crisis at TX. It's deeper than any of us realize it's not just fb.