Mr Webb, first, thank you for your service to our country in one of its darkest hours. For that, myself and others will be eternally grateful.
2nd, congratulations on being 93 and still able to function on what appears to be a higher plain of thought than most people your age- you're truly blessed.
3rd, I challenge you to think back to your time on Okinawa and ask yourself one question:
The United States fought a bloody campaign to take that island, arguably one of the most bloody battles in the history of war. You and those men fought with honor, dignity and sacrificed lives in order for the greater good to triumph. You did all of this without sacrificing the one thing that gave us superiority over the Japanese at the time: our morality. Would there have been as much honor in your victory over Japan if you knew that most of the soldiers you served with ran roughshod over Okinawa and raped all the women left on the island?(those that threw themselves off the cliffs clutching their babies because the Japanese convinced them that our troops would rape the women and eat the babies)
Would there have been any honor in your victory had this occurred?
Methinks you know the answer to this rhetorical question. The same rules apply to your Alma mater. Where is the honor in your victories at Baylor if it was stained by the actions of many and the lack of action of a few?
The Human Race