In a tireless effort to get Liberals to start thinking more and feeling less ( for non emotional processes)
Please ask yourself over the next 120 days or so if the Trumps policies, actions and results ( that improve Americans lives) are done so effortlessly because Trump is a super MENSA , G.O.A.T type individual with celestial assistance OR
is it because the Democrats have done so many things that were anti-American or unhelpful to their citizenry ?
for that matter you Never Trumper's on the Republican side................. same question...why didn't Bush,Romney, McCain, McConnell, et al
do these things?
if the goal is simply a
how do explain the different focus or achievements?
and whomever is fighting against these items, are you really asking yourself why ? will the critique(s) have anything to do with the subject matter at hand or will it be against the individuals ?
why could 1 man, whom you deem to be an insufferable stooge, felon, liar, Russian asset ? have so much success in what makes American citizens lives so much more enjoyable
the question answers itself
Please ask yourself over the next 120 days or so if the Trumps policies, actions and results ( that improve Americans lives) are done so effortlessly because Trump is a super MENSA , G.O.A.T type individual with celestial assistance OR
is it because the Democrats have done so many things that were anti-American or unhelpful to their citizenry ?
for that matter you Never Trumper's on the Republican side................. same question...why didn't Bush,Romney, McCain, McConnell, et al
do these things?
if the goal is simply a
- safe America ( streets / border/ no escalation of wars)
- prosperity (equality not equity)
- non weaponized government
- low taxes
- job creation
how do explain the different focus or achievements?
and whomever is fighting against these items, are you really asking yourself why ? will the critique(s) have anything to do with the subject matter at hand or will it be against the individuals ?
why could 1 man, whom you deem to be an insufferable stooge, felon, liar, Russian asset ? have so much success in what makes American citizens lives so much more enjoyable
the question answers itself