Coronavirus update from La Paz, Bolivia


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
New Braunfels

Too funny...I busted a gut laughing at this one.

There is much we can learn from our animal friends. They're facing the same fears and challenges in this difficult time as any of us. They can sense that humans around them are nervous. There's a scarcity of pet foods. Pet supply places might be closing in some areas. The streets are empty. It's dire all around.

But are these too going to give in to despair? No. They didn't come to the middle of that city street to die, they came there to live. If the worst should befall them, they're going to go out as they lived. Nuts deep and riding like there's no tomorrow. Just in case there is no tomorrow. Proudly letting their freak flag fly as they ride the express train to Pound Town, Population: Them.

Let this be a lesson for all of us. This is the spirit we should all have in these troublesome times. To live life to its fullest and appreciate the simple blessings we all still share. Maybe the law and social distancing guidelines say we can't commit the actual act in the middle of an intersection in broad daylight, let's at least pledge to share their sense of optimism and hopefulness. To live the way these two crazy kids are living: Doggy style.

Wash your paws.
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I can assure you--- if there's not a village of little clobs running around in the next nine months, it'll be a freaking miracle.
Recipient(s)? Don't know if that would be a good idea.