Corpus has been the most corrupt city, as far as elected and appointed officials goes, in Texas for years. On top of being corrupt, they are more dangerously incompetent. This is the 10th time in 3 years that they've had to do a "boil water" alert for all the people. My parents bought a top end water filter for the house 3 years ago and every few months they would check or change out the filters. I've personally seen one of the filters and it looked like something that had been rotting in a swamp for years. It was fvcking disgusting.
Now riddle me this: we've got lead in pipes in Michigan and the media throws everyone involved under the bus. But the people in corpus are drinking, what is more or less water with "sh!t and piss" in it, and it hasn't even been a blip on the radar. Not one national story about it. If someone can figure that one out for me it would be helpful.
If the populace of Corpus had any sense, they would March on city hall and start stabbing those worthless council members with pitchforks-- unfortunately so much if the population either doesn't care, is illiterate or undereducated with regard to the political language, or are used to having poor water conditions from the third world countries they hail from. When your Wal-Mart parking lots and mall parking lots are filled daily with dirty diapers (don't believe me? Yup, people change their kids diapers and just drop them in the parking lot) when your public bathroom floors are littered with toilet paper that's used to wipe a$$e$ and then just dropped on the bathroom floor instead of being flushed properly, and when your water treatment plant hires you because your "cousin" already has a job there and he helps you get a job even though you never finished middle school-- you're going to have a city with health issues.
Forget about the fact that in the same amount of time Juarez has had a better over all rating of its water treatment than corpus has, and you guys up north are getting just a small glimpse of what is eventually coming to a city near you. Without proper education and proper oversight put in place, you too will be living in a 3rd world city one of these days.