Incident starts at the 17:26 mark. You can clearly see a hat in this guy’s hand and he follows their commands to raise his hands twice and is shot each time that he does. This isn’t an example of policing or officers fearing for their lives, this is an execution. Period! Also, the manner in which they dragged his body, handcuffed him and then kept yelling “stop reaching” while his hands are in handcuffs behind his back is plain disgraceful! We didn’t witness a manslaughter. We watched a murder on body cam.
In regards to qualified immunity, this is the type of incident that reckless cops should have to pay for out of their pockets not the taxpayers. Qualified immunity = Zero accountability for one’s actions. If cops livelihoods and the incomes of their spouses were on the line then I truly believe that many of these types of encounters would not happen. Every person receiving a W2 are liable for their decisions, behaviors and actions except cops. Being a cop is a extremely hard job and I respect and applaud the good cops, however when bad cops make decisions like these their income should be on the line. “To much one is given, much is required”. Why should taxpayers pay the tab for cops with bad behaviors and actions? At the very least, let the police unions who reinforce this behavior should be the ones who up the tab. Again, this would drastically reduce bad shootings if pension funds were being drained in civil suits.
We all face a judge and/or jury in criminal or civil court when we commit an offense (even military personnel fighting in wartime situations) but for some reason we have been programmed to believe it is wrong to require police officers to the same standard. Shit is pathetic