Fishing 19


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2020
Me and the Boys caught a few Trout and a couple nice reds..I was thinking that its too easy for everyone in this country to live in Harmony...I am glad that I am almost at my expiration date as , Man , ya'll gonna have a Fkup country from now on, its something new everyday, me and a couple old farts on here lived when it was a family world, eating supper every night together, football in the street and the best of FB when it really was FB, Money has blinded sports today and transformed into something it never was supposed to be..I still say that there is no one worth a Million dollars to throw a damn FB or shoot a basket and we are the fools for buying all them high priced tickets, College FB will not be back the way it was before this Corono virus hit, its gone, from now on you gonna see law suits and stupid changes and idiots doing their thing...most of these kids need to serve a hitch in the Army or whatever like Israel makes their mandatory to do so right after HS...If these protesters burnt my Biz they would have to have 6 SWAT teams to keep me from mowing the grass..reason: No Respect!

You say Israel like it was the only place requiring military service. South Korea and SWITZERLAND do as well !
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everybody I knew in the army told me the safest duty in the vietnam theater was being assigned as liason or support of a S Korean unit. They said you went the whole tour without being shot at.
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everybody I knew in the army told me the safest duty in the vietnam theater was being assigned as liason or support of a S Korean unit. They said you went the whole tour without being shot at.

Them ROK Marines were tough guys, VC didn't even Fvk with them.... one camp they cut the heads off the VC and put them on post around their perimeter and never got a attack ...or night time ac tion...
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