Ahhh young grasshopper, you still think it's about the money? How typically "right" thinking of you. Gotta know your enemy sir and although they do love some dirty money, they love power even more.
Our right wing public figures claim it's about importing votes for democrats and they are somewhat correct. The money is there but why?
Conservative women raise considerably more children than progressives. Nothing wrong with not having kids but you eventually shrink your vote count.
Latino families in general are more conservative than liberal. So why open the floodgates? Because most of them will end up poor & in poor neighborhoods within cities. Perfect place to indoctrinate....I mean educate their litter of children. ( Stereotypes are funny because they're based off truth).
These new urban generations will be molded by progressive teachers, grow up in progressive cities almost entirely run by progressives. Let's be real, they aren't migrating here to small red zone bean towns where people believe in laws.
See where this is all really going? We fight for what we have now, they fight for what they want later. It's still about the long game and our side has zero clue how to combat it outside of our own households.
Tweens now will more likely lean right thanks to uncle Joe & co, but the next gen might be the proverbial straw for America as founded.