Free Texas/UNLV Baseball Tickets- Sat 2pm &/or Sun 1pm Available


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Jul 10, 2001
Great Seats, Section L2 (behind 3rd base dugout), 9 rows up from the field. I think a lot of guys on the board will vouch for me, as I have given a lot of tickets away over the years. I will email you the tickets from the Longhorn ticket site, so eventually I will need your name, email address, and a daytime phone number. You can give me all of that over private message or email if you don't want to post it on the board.

Also, no death threats. As I've posted before, someone posted one year on a thread about some football tickets, and went bat shit crazy, when I wouldn't either drive to Salado or Houston from Austin to give him the tickets, as opposed to simply rolling a few blocks over to meet the one and only Hornius Emeritus in advance of the infamous, and Orangebloods documented Lincoln Road Trip!

Lastly, don't root for UNLV for the love of God, even if you're pissed that we can't hit the ball... AGAIN! o_O


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