Good game Longhorns.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2009
It may not have turned out like you wanted and it may have been a much bigger difference than you would have liked, but it seemed like the UT players never quit. Shaka is a good coach and it takes time to implement his system with the players he recruits. UNC and Duke are looking at coaching changes sometime in the relatively near future and I've seen Shaka mentioned more than once as a target by both of those fan bases. As long as you can hold on to him, the future will be bright in men's basketball at UT.
Awful game. Going down 15 to start the game basically ended it from the beginning. KU shooting percentage made it impossible to come back at all.
OP, whoever is your new football coach, hopefully he can win a Big 12 game the next 2 years before the next fill in.
It may not have turned out like you wanted and it may have been a much bigger difference than you would have liked, but it seemed like the UT players never quit. Shaka is a good coach and it takes time to implement his system with the players he recruits. UNC and Duke are looking at coaching changes sometime in the relatively near future and I've seen Shaka mentioned more than once as a target by both of those fan bases. As long as you can hold on to him, the future will be bright in men's basketball at UT.
It was a combination of things last night. We shot horribly. KU's defense was good but, we just had a horrible night of shooting. On the other hand, KU shot lights out and also, KU just being KU-good all around on defense, offense and strong on the boards. Zigzag was right, we can't blame the refs.
Yes, yes you do.

Forgive us for a little bit of sour grapes this morning. After our wins against North Carolina, OU, West Virginia etc, we just expected to push you guys a little harder than we did. Instead it was- bed sheets, meet fecal matter.
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I don't see how this is relevant, but FWIW I come here and congratulate you all every year when you kick our asses in football too.

Sorry bud, just know a backhanded compliment when I see one. Just don't have respect for schools that have zero interest in football. Plus, that long chant you clowns do at the end of a game is one of the gayest traditions in sports. Pay Heed signs? Also gay.

Go join a BB conference and dismantle your middle school football program. HS stadiums in Texas seat more than the dump where Kansas has attempted to play football the last 100 years. Heed this......
The first year under a new coach is always difficult. The coach inherits players recruited for the system of the previous coach and has to do his best with them. That isn't to say the players are a problem, but maybe not best suited for what the new coach wants to do. Shaka is a good coach. I think you all will be pleased with him for many years.
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I don't see how this is relevant, but FWIW I come here and congratulate you all every year when you kick our asses in football too.
It is relevant--congrats, great game by KU, as usual. I wish you were still beating Meth-ssouri with regularity.
I'm glad they're gone. It was fun to beat them, but certainly not worth having anything to do with them ever again.
Thanks, Jayhawk. It wasn't fair for us though. Freaking Romo showed up and threw a major jinx on us:
