Has anyone seen Scholz?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2014
Haven’t seen him post in a while? Did he go underground and move to Canada? Inquiring minds want to know.
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You are at fault. You irritated him with political talk. I imagine after this last weekend that he is on suicide watch.

I bet that if you extend an olive branch of peace, like changing your avatar to a cool pic of Earl the Pearl, he will come back.
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After Scholz went ballistic in a thread in early February, I sent him a PM about what he posted and we had some back and forth discussion. He told me that he knew that he stepped over the line, but that he wanted to get his .02 in and that he "won’t be spending any more time here, and that OB wasn't the place for him anymore". In his opinion, I let too many Sooners and aggys come here and "insult" Longhorns, which is not the case. I keep an eye on things and try to be fair with everyone. He just has personality conflicts with certain Sooner and aggy posters and that was his reasoning for leaving. I did not ban him.
After Scholz went ballistic in a thread in early February, I sent him a PM about what he posted and we had some back and forth discussion. He told me that he knew that he stepped over the line, but that he wanted to get his .02 in and that he "won’t be spending any more time here, and that OB wasn't the place for him anymore". In his opinion, I let too many Sooners and aggys come here and "insult" Longhorns, which is not the case. I keep an eye on things and try to be fair with everyone. He just has personality conflicts with certain Sooner and aggy posters and that was his reasoning for leaving. I did not ban him.
I see, I did not know all this but was wondering where he’s been. Scholz is an adamant fan and I give him credit for that. We all have to keep in mind that a message board is somewhat make believe and doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. You have to keep that in perspective and not get worked up over crap that is posted.
You are at fault. You irritated him with political talk. I imagine after this last weekend that he is on suicide watch.

I bet that if you extend an olive branch of peace, like changing your avatar to a cool pic of Earl the Pearl, he will come back.
Uh ok. With MM as my witness I have absolutely never asked anyone get reprimanded or banned ever. If anything I’ve said the opposite, live and let live on this board has been my mantra. I can assure you that I don’t call Scholz a POS or whatever else whenever I’ve disagreed with him. The old adage about not letting them see you sweat should come to mind when posting on message board.

As far as my avatar, I thought everyone liked Barney Rubble?
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I see, I did not know all this but was wondering where he’s been. Scholz is an adamant fan and I give him credit for that. We all have to keep in mind that a message board is somewhat make believe and doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. You have to keep that in perspective and not get worked up over crap that is posted.
Mea culpa?
Mea culpa?
Hey I’m a huge fan of tit for tat. The way it should be. I think the posters who get really pissed off are the ones who haven’t mastered the tat part. If you’ve ever seen my posts I never take myself very serious hell I even make fun of myself for living in a trailer park
For the record, I personally have no problem with Scholz and would like for him to continue to post.
Scholz will be back someday. I very rarely agreed with anything that he said (unless it pertained to Aggy or the SEC), but enjoyed him nonetheless.
I see, I did not know all this but was wondering where he’s been. Scholz is an adamant fan and I give him credit for that. We all have to keep in mind that a message board is somewhat make believe and doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. You have to keep that in perspective and not get worked up over crap that is posted.
Bell, you are "the only hell your momma ever raised". That is courtesy of Mr. Paycheck. You are also a Twelve Toed Lulz (in honor of Scholz). :)
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I will pray for you Bell! Your lucky to just to be here.....! Schultz a old timer like me and all Longhorn,, so Ya gotta look at it from that perspective, I would be Schultz's Lawyer if he needed one..LOL...MM has done a great job of controlling other schools Bullshit on here I think! Maybe he was having a bad Day...who knows, we all have them...

Schultz! Schultz! come Back!

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Scholz will be back.

He can't stay away during football season. There's too much love in his Hart for football.
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Scholz will be back.

He can't stay away during football season. There's too much love in his Hart for football.
He will be back especially with the spring game coming up right around the corner, it brings them all out of the crevices. Whoever proclaimed Yuma Arizona the sunniest place in the world has obviously never paid Orangebloods a visit about 10 minutes after the conclusion of the annual Spring Game. National Championships are all but awarded after that game:)
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He will be back especially with the spring game coming up right around the corner, it brings them all out of the crevices. Whoever proclaimed Yuma Arizona the sunniest place in the world has obviously never paid Orangebloods a visit about 10 minutes after the conclusion of the annual Spring Game. Natuonal Championships are all but awarded after that game:)

I think you're confused. That would be aggy, not Texas.
Anybody who can not take a little smack talking back and forth on a message board has a little growing up to do in my opinion. Now that is taking into consideration that’s it’s not crossing the line of offensive or anything. I have plenty of friends that are Aggies and even a few Sooner buddies. We always give each other a hard time but at the end of the day we realize that it’s just sports so there is no reason to take anything we say personal.
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haha, actually it’s probably about every message board of every team across the nation after their respective spring game
I'm always a bit conflicted after the Spring Game. If either side does well, does that mean they are that good or is the other unit just that bad?

OU's offense will look great I'm sure in the Spring Game. Hurts will wish he could play that defense every week.
He's around. He still takes it upon himself to endlessly disparage and hate texas' enemies ad nauseam on a board that not only allows but encourages his behavior, surlyhorns.
I'm always a bit conflicted after the Spring Game. If either side does well, does that mean they are that good or is the other unit just that bad?

OU's offense will look great I'm sure in the Spring Game. Hurts will wish he could play that defense every week.
Spring game is going to be a little lacking on the defensive side.
Uh ok. With MM as my witness I have absolutely never asked anyone get reprimanded or banned ever. If anything I’ve said the opposite, live and let live on this board has been my mantra. I can assure you that I don’t call Scholz a POS or whatever else whenever I’ve disagreed with him. The old adage about not letting them see you sweat should come to mind when posting on message board.

As far as my avatar, I thought everyone liked Barney Rubble?

I have always liked Barney Rubble...he's a great actor!
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Hey I’m a huge fan of tit for tat. The way it should be. I think the posters who get really pissed off are the ones who haven’t mastered the tat part. If you’ve ever seen my posts I never take myself very serious hell I even make fun of myself for living in a trailer park

I agree with you Bell, but I do favor "tit" over "tat"...for some strange reason.