In all seriousness, in this day and age and with the resources available, if you're going to drink, don't risk your future and the wellbeing of others.
We need stiff penalties for DUI's in this country. With uber and all other services like it there is no excuse to ever get a DUI anymore. Especially if you have money. The DUI rate in this country should be near zero in today's world.
I'm not pointing fingers at Benson here because in my younger days, unfortunately I drove drunk quite often as a kid in college and throughout my 20's. I'm very fortunate to not have accumulated a dwi or 2 or worse. The penalties now are pretty stiff and can really effect your job etc.We've always had taxis but a lot of people don't use them. There's more fear in leaving your car or spending money then killing someone or yourself by driving home drunk. Austin no longer has Uber but they do still have taxis.
I drove drunk quite often as a kid in college and throughout my 20's.