Hey clob94 I was


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
just thinking that because it's OK week I was thinking of all the great games, performances, and plays in rivalry history. Which brings me to Stony Clark's unforgettable 4th down stop against the Sooners in 1994. Stony didn't so much tackle as it was more like planting himself there and when the OK player ran into him he went down like he'd been shot lol

And as I recall SI called it the play of the year for the '94 season. Stony was nothing special as a player but because of that 1 play he's never had to buy a drink in his life lol. We're you playing for TX that day? What's Stony been doing since his playing days did he graduate? Great memories.

Yes I was there. Stony got cut by the center I think and scrambled off the ground and the running back cut back from his right to his left toward stony, (I know it wasn't the rb from Houston Stratford, it was the kid from little town oklahoma) and it became a race between him and stony for the goal line. Stony dove and then rolled his body into the rb and away from the goal line and then I think Tony Brackens or Hickerson came in and finished. 24 years ago man... the memories fade.

Stony is doing great. He was way high up at a car dealership for a while. Not sure what he's doing now.
I still say that tackle was more Brackens than Clark. Clark just kind of shoulder blocked him, it was Brackens flying in with the big hit that dropped him like a rock.
Yes I was there. Stony got cut by the center I think and scrambled off the ground and the running back cut back from his right to his left toward stony, (I know it wasn't the rb from Houston Stratford, it was the kid from little town oklahoma) and it became a race between him and stony for the goal line. Stony dove and then rolled his body into the rb and away from the goal line and then I think Tony Brackens or Hickerson came in and finished. 24 years ago man... the memories fade.

Stony is doing great. He was way high up at a car dealership for a while. Not sure what he's doing now.

Let me give you some dap for the teams you played on. For all of Macovic's faults, and they were numerous, the '95 and '96 Horns are the only TX teams to win back to back conference titles in the post Darrell Royal era. I appreciate it. A lot of good players and the greatest upset win in school history.
Let me give you some dap for the teams you played on. For all of Macovic's faults, and they were numerous, the '95 and '96 Horns are the only TX teams to win back to back conference titles in the post Darrell Royal era. I appreciate it. A lot of good players and the greatest upset win in school history.
Just to be historically accurate, we won 94, 95 and 96.

And Mackoprick is still ................. nevermind.......
Just to be historically accurate, we won 94, 95 and 96.

And Mackoprick is still ................. nevermind.......
I still crack up at the Porsche sunglasses indoors story.
I still crack up at the Porsche sunglasses indoors story.
Dude...... no lie, I still have 2 standing rules:

1. Wear Porsche sunglasses around me and I'm not even asking you your name---- I'm just punching you in your fvcking face and screaming "John Mackovic MADE ME DO IT!"

2. No. I don't want to ride in your fvcking Porsche. Get that fvcking Porsche away from me now.