How many final 2 wins would/can G. Auremma have coaching mens

It's tough to say because the men's game is deeper. There are great coaches who only have 1-2 final 4 apperences. Now if your asking weather. Geno could coach men successfully I beleive the answer is yes. I think pat summit could of coached men to. I think all great coaches have similar qualities. It's not as if it's a different game. Same concepts, stragedgy, etc. the men just a little more athletic and can go one one more.
Easily double. Coaching women is way harder than coaching men. You have to schedule around their menstrual cycles. You have to worry about them constantly checking their hair and makeup during a fast break.
Hes clearly a great coach and recruiter. 4 straight titles? 11 overall? No, but who other than John Wooden can say that?