How the Pac XII plans to make up for non con games


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
Traditionally they play in two 6 team conferences. There's 5 intra conference games and 4 games against the other conference which of course brings us up to 9. But as I'm sure most people on here already know the Pac XII and the Big X cancelled their non con games this year because of covid19.

So they plan on playing 10 conference games 5 home and 5 road and one short of a round robin. This also means the teams probably will delay before they return to campus. I'll check for any news about the Big X. Here's the link:

Oh and a little bit of a dyk for you guys. Withe the Pac XII and the Big X canceling their non con games ND has already lost 3 games this season. They're not playing anyone from the Big XII this year. But they have a loose leaf arrangement with the ACC during fb season in that they play at least 4 games this year. What happens if the ACC makes a decision about ND games because they aren't necessarily conference games. More will be revealed and of that I'm certain.
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So Stanford cancels game against BYU, but is willing to play Arizona, which allegedly is in a corona hotbed? Looks like the PAC 12 is REALLY concerned about player safety!
So Stanford cancels game against BYU, but is willing to play Arizona, which allegedly is in a corona hotbed? Looks like the PAC 12 is REALLY concerned about player safety!

I've been following the PAC XIl and the Big X closely since they canceled their non con games. And because of BYU's ties with those conferences their season has been reduced to 7 games. Ouch
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The B1G has a huge TV contract for basically 2 competent teams. Those being fOSU and Pedo. Fox is beyond stupid. The Pac is in real trouble. It has no such contract. This would be a great time to form a raiding party. RJ Young agrees with me. I look for Larry Scott to be fired in short order. Can Texas find anyone who can get the deal done?

The B1G has a huge TV contract for basically 2 competent teams. Those being fOSU and Pedo. Fox is beyond stupid. The Pac is in real trouble. It has no such contract. This would be a great time to form a raiding party. RJ Young agrees with me. I look for Larry Scott to be fired in short order. Can Texas find anyone who can get the deal done?

Blowsby is from PAC 12 country and besides that is a worthless check cashier (1 true champion!). I’m with you - raid now, get the schools that can see that anarchy will lead to their demise, and not only salvage the Big 12 - make it the envy. Blowsby, well, blows.
Bob Bowlsby is if nothing else better than Larry Scott. Larry Scott is by far the best paid commissioner among the P5 conferences and yet his conference is the worst and not just in fb but in the other revenue producing sports. Thing is he's under contract for at least 3 more years
His ad's and university presidents don't like him can you blame them?

This is a crucial year for the PAC XIl. The cancellation really hurts they had games set up with MI/WA and SC/AL on opening weekend and tOSU/OR the following weekend and that one in particular is a huge loss. That's 3 games against 3 blue bloods.

If the 2 conferences can get a great tv contract for those that make the cut I'm all for it. What kind of combined network can we get because that's important. Imagine having the 2 most populated states in one conference. Combine that with 2 states where the population is growing, AZ and WA, and the potential is enormous.

The drawback for the fans is travel. How many fans from both schools can afford to travel from Austin/ Seattle. The Pac XIi is a spread out conference.
Bob Bowlsby is if nothing else better than Larry Scott. Larry Scott is by far the best paid commissioner among the P5 conferences and yet his conference is the worst and not just in fb but in the other revenue producing sports. Thing is he's under contract for at least 3 more years
His ad's and university presidents don't like him can you blame them?

This is a crucial year for the PAC XIl. The cancellation really hurts they had games set up with MI/WA and SC/AL on opening weekend and tOSU/OR the following weekend and that one in particular is a huge loss. That's 3 games against 3 blue bloods.

If the 2 conferences can get a great tv contract for those that make the cut I'm all for it. What kind of combined network can we get because that's important. Imagine having the 2 most populated states in one conference. Combine that with 2 states where the population is growing, AZ and WA, and the potential is enormous.

The drawback for the fans is travel. How many fans from both schools can afford to travel from Austin/ Seattle. The Pac XIi is a spread out conference.
Those match ups with the Big10/SEC looked good. Even better for the PAC teams because they are underdogs and have less to lose. Oregon vs tOSU seems the best shot. Cristobal is killing it thus far. What is happening with UW? Are people in that area happy with Peterson’s replacement and staff picks?
Those match ups with the Big10/SEC looked good. Even better for the PAC teams because they are underdogs and have less to lose. Oregon vs tOSU seems the best shot. Cristobal is killing it thus far. What is happening with UW? Are people in that area happy with Peterson’s replacement and staff picks?

From what I've noticed Jimmy Lake is the perfect replacement at WA. He was the dc and he has a tireless energy the exact opposite of Chris Peterson. CP lost his enthusiasm his last 2 years his team was totally unprepared in the RB 2 years ago. It was time for a change there. The hs talent in the state of WA has never been as good as it is this year. There are 3 players in the national top ten from the Seattle area JL has got 1 commit and if he can get the other 2 than WA has a chance to take it to next level. They have a new oc and te coach that's all I know about that.

You mentioned OR. They have a real chance for the playoffs they had a decent chance to beat tOSU especially with the game being at home. MC has recruited elite talent and is taking those players talent to the next level. And really I think as a whole the Pac XII has better coaches than the Big XII. AZS, UT and ST all have coaches that are capable of taking their team to a P6 level bowl game. And there's always SC. Among the new coaches in the Big XII only Baylor has a coach with that kind of talent.

Look if you or anyone else is interested in what really goes on in the Pac XII, subscribe to John Wilner's the Pac XII newsletter its only a few dollars a month. You don't need a podcast from people like RJ Young JW knows all things Pac XII financially, tv contracts, the future possible merger with the Big XII as well as the teams themselves. You don't even need FS1 or Gameday JW is that good.

* when I noted about the new Big XII coaches I assumed you know I wasn't referring to OK or TX.
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Here's an early idea about a Big XII/Pac XII merger:

there are some good ideas on this

and here is another link as to why Larry Scott is not just a lousy commissioner but an ******* as well. No question Bob Bowlsby should be the president of a combined a league.

Proof that sometimes the Harvard guy is not the smartest guy in the room.

I gave those guys at fishduck that idea. We should add 2 teams and split into 4 6 team pods. It would make for an awesome streaming package. Splitting into pods makes it a little more manageable. It would be awesome.
Since the Pac XII and the Big X have announced they will not play any non con games should the other conferences follow suit? The Pac XII has announced they will play 10 conference games only.

So where do we go from here? Well the Big X usually plays 9 conference games a year so does the ACC and the Big XII. Can the Big X and the ACC adapt and play only 10 conference games like the Pac XII? The Pac XII is taking a chance with this especially if the other schools don't follow suit. I think the Big X has no choice but to do what the Pac XII is doing.

But now you go to the Big XII. No non con games means only 9 games this year. But ND will only play 9 games this year. And I think that once the Big X announces they will play no more than 10 games it will be easier for the Big XII to adapt. Now we get to the ACC and I think they'll follow suit and I wouldn't be surprised if Mack Brown spoke up for a conference only schedule. Don't forget the man still has considerable political skills.

But now we come to the SEC. Over the last 25 years or so the SEC has gamed the system not just in fb but in pretty much every sport. They only play 8 conference games a year. They are going to flex their muscles and try to defy everyone because they think they can. Right now I don't know how they will react to this. I would love to see the rest of college fb stand up to them.
Stand up to the SEC? What are they doing that’s wrong? I still don’t follow your logic. If the PAC 12 think it is so dangerous for players and fans, then the PAC 12 should be condemned for not canceling the ENTIRE season! Somehow TCU will be deemed less wreck less by canceling SMU, but still playing BU and Texas?
Stand up to the SEC? What are they doing that’s wrong? I still don’t follow your logic. If the PAC 12 think it is so dangerous for players and fans, then the PAC 12 should be condemned for not canceling the ENTIRE season! Somehow TCU will be deemed less wreck less by canceling SMU, but still playing BU and Texas?

I think in doing what they think is right might hurt both conferences at the end of the season. I don't understand about playing games in AZ and CA where they're getting slammed. But the Big X isn't in an area where covid19 is rampant and yet they decided to cancel their non con games. The NFL has decided to cancel exhibition games. The whole thing is a mass of contradictions and I don't know what to make of it.