There, I've said it. I'm sorry but I just am. I long to have one of those nice dark tans that look so good with swimsuits and golf shorts. But, alas, I was born with a fair complexion and, after a long winter, tend to look a little pasty white. I try to tan, but if I'm not careful I just wind up with a nasty burn. I do start in about April getting a slow sun exposure and build it up in increments over the summer. If I stick with it by about August I am starting to get a marginally acceptable look. Never that cool, deep tan mind you, just not looking like a total dork. There are a lot of us out here, and we are resentful of those born with tan privilege. They get all the girls. They get all the commercial and movie parts. They get all the modeling gigs. I think the advertising world owes us some reparations. We have been discriminated against for too long.