To go to a game outa town? I mean thats a lotta money if ya look at it,,,Hotels, meals Tickets to game, buying beer, sitting in the cold getting sick from bad weather, think of what it cost to go watch the Horns at Jerry World, you know Jerrys gonna stick it to ya on everything, thats why the Cowboys never win, they don't have to , Jerrys gonna make the money whether they winning or losing, thats why if you are a Cowboy fan then you are a sucker, you'll never see that Super Bowl this decade or the next, you go to store and get beer and you see all these Cowboy jersey wearer, why would you wanna wear a jersey of some team unless they winning?
Unless ya got folks to stay with in Dallas, it will probably cost ya at least 6 to 8 hundred just to go to game, maybe a little less or more, beer is really expensive at Jerrys place and the stands are to far away from the field, so weight it out, cause I am gonna get a 12 pack of Shiner reg for 10 and watch ya spend ya money on TV,,,LOL If it was a Natty game for Texas disregard this message..
Dilly! Dilly!
Unless ya got folks to stay with in Dallas, it will probably cost ya at least 6 to 8 hundred just to go to game, maybe a little less or more, beer is really expensive at Jerrys place and the stands are to far away from the field, so weight it out, cause I am gonna get a 12 pack of Shiner reg for 10 and watch ya spend ya money on TV,,,LOL If it was a Natty game for Texas disregard this message..
Dilly! Dilly!