Johnny Eightball indicted by Dallas County grand jury

Might need to be arrested and locked up to keep him above ground. Possibly the best news his family could receive.
smfh... again, I called it before he went to the draft... 3 years max before his career was over and his life was in ruin...... saw all of this coming a long time ago... and aggy coddled it and fostered its growth... simply amazing.
It's a misdemeanor assault charge. Won't slow his partying down one bit. He's a POS for hitting a girl though.
It's a misdemeanor assault charge. Won't slow his partying down one bit. He's a POS for hitting a girl though.
I don't think he does any jail time. He's an idiot and a POS but the best outcome would be for him to sit in jail.
He won't stop until he hits rock bottom. That's different for everyone. Until then, he's going to keep the party going.
A misdemeanor indictment is probably the least concerning thing going on his life right now.
He won't stop until he hits rock bottom. That's different for everyone. Until then, he's going to keep the party going.

I hate to admit it, but I was somewhat naive about this kid. Is he that bad or is it because he's an aggie? But he's going to end up like other athletes who have it all and then lose it all. You know why? Because the wrong things matter to them and JM will be a perfect example when he finally his rock bottom.
News out today that Johnny was in Cleveland shopping at retail stores while the grand jury was convening. Thats his prerogative. And no huge deal. But given his track record its not smart.

What is really dumb, is that he went out partying that same night after rolling out with some of his homies to a Justin Bieber concert. Two really bad decisions. One is going to a Beiber concert period. Two is publicly partying the night you are indicted on felony charges. The judge isn't going to like this. Dig that grave a lil deeper.
Isn't it misdemeanor charges? Not that this it's nothing, but it's a blip on the radar as far as his real problems go.
1 year in jail and up to a 4000 dollar fine.

Honestly, we've all had our chuckles over this dueshenozzle and yes, I'll admit, it's been fun at times watching this slow motion train wreck happen. We all predicted it. BUT, when you start abusing women (allegedly) and abusing drugs, then the stakes have gone up. You're now no longer just a danger to yourself, but to others as well. Crashing a car into a light pole in downtown LA? What if someone were standing under that light pole?

How entry we all know his career in sports is over. It's time for the justice system to step in and protect the public from his actions.

Give him the full year in jail. Make it mandatory that he dry out and attend rehab classes every day in jail. Assign him 500 hours of community service after he's out.

Maybe, just maybe, a year of being sober and 500 hours of having to work with the less fortunate or with abused women will make him realize what a complete buffoon he has been and help make him a productive member of society.
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I'm down with the above.

He won't change his actions on his own. In fact, they just keep getting more serious and harmful towards others. Time for him to feel more harsh punishment.
Johnny Manziel apparently watched NFL draft before Bieber concert:
Look, believe what you will about Johnny Manziel, the ex-NFL quarterback whose life is now in shambles by his own hand ... it's hard not to feel a twinge of sympathy, or at least wonder what could have been, when you see a photo like this:

That's apparently Manziel at a Columbus, Ohio, bar, watching the NFL draft prior to a Justin Bieber concert. Two years ago, Manziel was a first-round pick at the draft; now, he's out of the league, facing a variety of legal challenges, and apparently unable to halt the slide that has claimed his football career.

Granted, that photo looks more like Shia Labeouf than Manziel, but here's another photo from later in the evening. Note the hoodie and bandanna:

Manziel was indicted earlier in the week in Texas on domestic violence charges. He's been cut loose by a range of professional associates, including his team, sponsors and agents because of his failure to consent to any sort of treatment programs or curb his partying.
Dude is going to kill himself or worse yet, someone else....
He looks like he weighs 170 lbs
Texas A&M coach Kevin Sumlin wants Johnny Manziel to call him - guess he's run out of drinking buddies... Maybe if Rumlin hadn't allowed Johnny to get away with being a drunken idiot at A&M he wouldn't be in this shape now. His concern is a day late and a dollar short.

Yeah, I mean he could have been a positive mentor back know....he coached him. Instead he enabled the bad behavior and partying and breaking of NCAA rules.

Sumlin is a guy that would rather build a barber shop and drink with his players than win titles with them. So far, he's doing a good job.