Johnny Eightball's ex claims that he beat her, dragged her by her hair, threatened to kill her


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2004
Apparently doing his best Lawrence Phillips impersonation. No doubt aggy filth is still defending him somewhere.

DALLAS - The ex-girlfriend of NFL quarterback Johnny Manziel told police that the Heisman Trophy winner told her "shut up or I'll kill us both" after forcing her into a car, hitting her, and dragging her by the hair.

On Thursday, News 8 learned harrowing details of last week's alleged assault of Colleen Crowley by Manziel, who is currently on the Cleveland Browns roster, but is not expected to return next season.

After News 8 broke this story Thursday afternoon, Manziel denied wrongdoing in a published report.

“We've been clear about expectations for our players on and off the field,” said Sashi Brown, the Browns executive vice president of football operations, in a statement Tuesday.

“Johnny's continual involvement in incidents that run counter to those expectations undermines the hard work of his teammates and the reputation of our organization,” Browns statement reads. “His status with our team will be addressed when permitted by league rules. We will have no further comment at this time.”

Crowley has told authorities that, according to sources, she is afraid for her safety and has drafted an order of protection to be presented to a Tarrant County district court judge.

Crowley and Manziel dated for two years and lived together for four months before breaking up in December, sources said.

Sources say in her affidavit, Crowley outlines the details of an alleged assault that she said began in Manziel's hotel room in Dallas in the early morning hours of Saturday, Jan. 30.

Sources say on Friday night, Crowley and three friends started the evening off at Victor Tangos, a swanky restaurant in the Knox-Henderson neighborhood in Dallas.

Crowley and friends bar-hopped for a few hours before she met Manziel in his room at Hotel ZaZa in Uptown Dallas.

Sources say while in his hotel room, the two of them argued over another girl. Crowley told police she tried to leave the room, but that Manziel wouldn't let her.

Crowley told police Manziel "restrained" in some manner and "led" her down a back stairway to the valet area.

"I was crying and begged the valet, 'Please don't let him take me. I'm scared for my life!'" she told police. The valet reportedly told her, "I don't know what to do" and let Manziel leave with her.

Sources say Manziel then drove her about a half-mile to her car, which was parked near the Concrete Cowboy bar off Cedar Springs Road. She claims she jumped out of the car and tried to hide from Manziel, but he found her in some nearby bushes.

"He grabbed me by my hair and threw me back into the car and got back in himself," she reportedly told police. "He hit me with his open hand on my left ear for jumping out of the car. I realized immediately that I could not hear out of that ear, and I still cannot today, two days later."

Crowley then reportedly hit Manziel several times, hoping to get out of the car, but, she told police, Manziel "threw me off of him" and she hit her head on the car window. She told police he would not give her her phone.

Sources say Manziel then got on Interstate 30 and began driving to her apartment in Fort Worth. While en route, she claims, she yelled at him, "I hate you!" He allegedly replied that "he was going to drop me off, take my car and go kill himself," sources said.

She says she thought he was on drugs or maybe having a psychotic break. She told police she then began telling him she loved him.

She says at that time Manziel "started laughing" and then reportedly yelled at her to "shut up or I'll kill us both."
She says they finally made it to her Fort Worth apartment where the argument continued.

Crowley claims Manziel became angry, and smashed her phone. He then went outside and started "pacing," she told police. While she was alone, she tried to use her computer to contact her parents through Apple's FaceTime video chat system.

She said Manziel came back into the apartment, checked her computer, and realized she had tried to contact her parents.

"I was in my kitchen, so out of fear for my life, I pulled a knife out of my knife block and advanced toward him," Crowley told police.

"He ran out of the apartment," she said. When she saw him in the parking lot, she said she banged on a neighbor's door and screamed for help. Manziel fled on foot, she told police.

Manziel burst onto the national sports scene in 2012 while a freshman at Texas A&M University. That season, he led the Aggies to 11 wins, including a victory over top-ranked Alabama.

The win over the Crimson Tide and his dazzling play in college football’s toughest conference positioned Manziel to become the first ever freshman to win the Heisman Trophy.

He left Texas A&M after his sophomore season and entered the NFL draft. Manziel’s past legal problems and concerns over his size led NFL executives to question whether he could compete at the professional level.

Manziel wasn’t taken until the 22nd overall pick by the Cleveland Browns. Over his two seasons in the NFL, Manziel has played in 14 games for the Browns.
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Preface: I'm not saying he's innocent, or that the story is untrue...

But that account sounds as bsc as the person who is telling it... What a surprise.

That girl is crazy. I highly doubt anything she claims is true outside of them arguing. Where's the valet's statement? Where's a picture of her after the assault? Where's literally any proof of anything? A video of them leaving the hotel?

they broke it off in December, yet she went to Johnny's hotel room in dallas after a night of drinking?

translation: she got drunk, jealous/needy found out where johnny was staying to confront him. he didn't want to deal with her crap so he took her home, even forcing her into his car to do so.

As much as I hate to say it, nobody is this unlucky (constantly wrong place wrong time). I really hope the guy gets some help and straightens his life out.

Part of me hopes she is just BSC and embellishing to try and hurt him After all, she states herself that the argument started over another woman. Did the reporter talk to the valet that saw them. If they were broken up, why did she go to his hotel room to argue with him about another woman? Did he have a key to her place or did she just choose to not lock the door when he walked out of the apartment the first time? Is her phone actually busted? Is there a record of her trying to face time her parents? All of these things are pretty easy to track down.

And if she is filing for a protective court order because she is so scared, why wasn't he arrested that night? After all, she claims she pulled a knife because she was so scared.

Again, nobody is this unlucky but some of this **** isn't adding up.

Come on... I'm not apologizing for Johnny, he clearly is putting himself in bad situations. However, this girl is clearly fabricating this story. It sounds like some bs on a lifetime movie.

He would be in handcuffs already if the cops thought he was remotely guilty of anything.

this story sounds over dramatic... in JFF I trust

Lot Y Tailgate
In reply to FriscoKid 5:43p
Maybe because some of us would like to know what actually happened, where is the valet's report, where is the neighbors, if she told this story to the police the night it happened I highly doubt they would have left her alone, and not arrested Manziel.

If it is true he isn't "just" an *******, he needs mental help...

In reply to RadAg14 5:46p
If he doesn't defend himself from THIS story, then he really may be untouchable to any NFL franchise.

In reply to 8T2 6:09p
quote:I think JFF is a moron and has ruined a promising athletic and advertising career. But, that story is so overly melodramatic as to be unbelievable.Looking at it from a legal perspective, it is questionable. Any good defense attorney could shred that easily.

That BSC B prolly just got him tossed from the NFL. Even if it's all false, which it probably is, rehab or publicly denying it isn't going to clear his name.

Hopefully no other athletes fall for that BSC cleat chaser's BS.

Deputy Travis Junior
Nobody is giving him a pass. Just waiting to see what evidence turns up. That's how the justice system works. We don't automatically assume that all accusations are true [LOL. Yes, aggy is so consistent with this approach.]

He gave A&M everything he had and for that we should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Johnny and Sumlin built this house!
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Interesting that the cops didnt elect to file charges given the allegations. Chick seems to be a head case (no disrespect intended). Match made in heaven as far as I can tell. Johnny F'in F'ball might be too hot even for Jerry Jones.

Hook 'em
Sounds like both are the problem. She maybe a nut case but he's not doing himself any favors by being around her. If he was smart (he's not) he'd stay in Cleveland until he get's let go and not go back to Dallas for awhile. Well until Jerry picks him up which will more than likely happen because Jerry loves to deal with messes.
Jerra said this morning that the cowgirls aren't touching him. My fantasy train wreck if officially ruined.

On another note, the next person that I run into that feels the need to defend Johnny deushecanoe, should I just point and laugh then walk away?
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When is enough, enough? Manziel is the definition of a train wreck.

Probably when he's dead................

Johnny Manziel's father worried QB won't 'live to see his 24th birthday'

If Johnny Manziel doesn't receive help, he won't make it to his next birthday, his father told The Dallas Morning News on Friday.

Manziel's father, Paul, told the newspaper that the Cleveland Brownsquarterback has refused to enter area rehab facilities twice in the past week. He said the family tried to get Manziel, 23, to enter a local addiction facility on Saturday, but Manziel refused to stay. Paul Manziel said he tried to have his son admitted to a psychiatric and chemical dependency hospital on Tuesday, but Manziel was allowed to leave, despite his father telling officers that he believed Manziel was suicidal.

Agent drops Manziel in wake of latest incident
Johnny Manziel's agent released a statement Friday saying he is cutting ties with the Browns quarterback after his latest incident.

"I truly believe if they can't get him help, he won't live to see his 24th birthday," Paul Manziel told the paper.

Manziel turns 24 in December.

The first attempt to get Manziel to enter rehab, his father told the newspaper, was Saturday afternoon after news surfaced of a police investigation into an alleged incident between Manziel and his ex-girlfriend the night before.According to the police report, Manziel and his ex-girlfriend were at a hotel in downtown Dallas and left together after he struck her. The ex-girlfriend told officers that she and Manziel shouted angrily at each other and that he struck her several more times on the drive to her apartment in Fort Worth, Texas.

ABC affiilate WFAA, citing unnamed sources, reported that Manziel told the ex-girlfriend to "shut up or I'll kill us both" after he forced her into the car. The woman alleged that Manziel was acting "as if he were on some kind of drugs" but maintained he was not intoxicated.

In its initial statement Saturday, Fort Worth police said the woman "advised our officers of concerns that she had regarding the well-being of her ex-boyfriend," prompting police to search for Manziel, including by helicopter. Officers said they later determined Manziel was safe and in no danger. Manziel wasn't charged by the Fort Worth or Dallas police departments, which said Thursday they consider their investigations closed.

Manziel, in an interview with TMZ Sports posted on its website Thursday, said of the allegations that he struck his ex-girlfriend: "It didn't happen." He also said, "I'm completely stable. I'm safe and secure."

Manziel's agent, Erik Burkhardt, cut ties with Manziel earlier Friday, saying in a statement that "it has become painfully obvious" that Manziel's future "rests solely in his own hands."

"His family and I have gone to great lengths to outline the steps we feel he must take to get his life in order. Accountability is the foundation of any relationship, and without it, the function of my work is counterproductive," Burkhardt said.

"I truly wish the best for Johnny and sincerely hope he can, and will, find the kind of peace and happiness he deserves."

The Browns released a statement saying they would address Manziel's status "when permitted by league rules." A source told ESPN's Pat McManamonearlier this week that the Browns plan to release Manziel in March.
His dad going public with that is pretty scary. He's desperately trying to get him help. I hope he is able to succeed. It sounds like there are some serious mental health issues involved. This situation has become incredibly sad.
Look, when your AGENT drops you, a guy that is concerned only with making money, you know you're in a bad place. That's akin to a maggot turning up its nose to a rotten steak. This has gone beyond folly and childish antics, this has moved into the "life or death" arena.
I'm not worried about what johnny could/might do to himself- he knows he has issues and refuses to do anything to try and fix it- I'm now concerned about the innocent people and collateral damage that his actions can spill all over. A drunken-drugged-manic depressed-ADHD-entitled-sociopath is a danger to others around him as well as those that may just be out walking their dog. Has he ever been "arrested" or charged with anything? No. But neither was OJ. Or Ryan Leaf. Or Ray Carruth. Or the myriad of other celebrities or athletes who abused their fame, money and job.

I hate saying this but the dude is going to get somebody other than himself seriously injured or killed.
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When is enough, enough? Manziel is the definition of a train wreck.
There is very little that can be done for an adult with problems who refuses to get help. Getting someone admitted to psychiatric or chemical dependency facility against their will is actually quite difficult.

The police closed their case so quickly that its hard to know exactly what happened. If this girl was assaulted, she's not doing anyone any favors by not pressing charges so that all the facts can come out.

Most of what I have seen from Manziel to this point could be laughed off to immaturity and just amazement that someone would sabotage their career and squander their talent in such ridiculous fashion. It appears to have gotten much more serious and is very sad.
Jerra said this morning that the cowgirls aren't touching him. My fantasy train wreck if officially ruined.

On another note, the next person that I run into that feels the need to defend Johnny deushecanoe, should I just point and laugh then walk away?

I knew they wouldn't when i have said earlier that they won't resign Hardy
When is enough, enough? Manziel is the definition of a train wreck.

This. No matter how accurate her statements are, and we should be privy to some kind of evidence of physical abuse to her physical person, and a statement from the valet confirming what she said, but Manziel CANNOT stay out of trouble. Just the fact that shit kind of thing keeps following him around should black ball him from the league permanently. The NFL cannot have this kind of thing associated with them. VY wasnt the most mature athlete, but good god, we were never subjecte to this kind of constant never ending bullshit.
Jerra said this morning that the cowgirls aren't touching him. My fantasy train wreck if officially ruined.

On another note, the next person that I run into that feels the need to defend Johnny deushecanoe, should I just point and laugh then walk away?

you're a smart guy ask youself......if you point and laugh can you just walk away?....If no, I would suggest just laughing....some pro aggy judge may considering pointing while laughing as some kind of assault
Oldhorn, once again your age and wisdom save the day.
She claims he hit her in her left ear. Not sure I buy it; Manziel hasn't hit anything with his right arm in over two years...
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Johnny Manziel's parents are largely responsible for their son's character. When growing up, parents cannot bail their kids out of trouble. Parents must teach and demonstrate accountability and responsibility. Yes, kids will rebel. But, when that happens, stop feeding the rebellion.
Look, when your AGENT drops you, a guy that is concerned only with making money, you know you're in a bad place. That's akin to a maggot turning up its nose to a rotten steak. This has gone beyond folly and childish antics, this has moved into the "life or death" arena.
I'm not worried about what johnny could/might do to himself- he knows he has issues and refuses to do anything to try and fix it- I'm now concerned about the innocent people and collateral damage that his actions can spill all over. A drunken-drugged-manic depressed-ADHD-entitled-sociopath is a danger to others around him as well as those that may just be out walking their dog. Has he ever been "arrested" or charged with anything? No. But neither was OJ. Or Ryan Leaf. Or Ray Carruth. Or the myriad of other celebrities or athletes who abused their fame, money and job.

I hate saying this but the dude is going to get somebody other than himself seriously injured or killed.

Or maybe the agent just got "smart" and realized there isn't any more money coming in from the JFF franchise. Just cut your losses and move on.
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Johnny Manziel's parents are largely responsible for their son's character. When growing up, parents cannot bail their kids out of trouble. Parents must teach and demonstrate accountability and responsibility. Yes, kids will rebel. But, when that happens, stop feeding the rebellion.

Its well known in his small hometown, that he and his buddies would roll out to the local Walmart on Saturday nights and steal beer......then sit in the parking lot and drink it. Just to have fun with the security and at times local cops. Daddy once took away his credit card and his car when the cops took him to the station to tisk, tisk him.
Its well known in his small hometown, that he and his buddies would roll out to the local Walmart on Saturday nights and steal beer......then sit in the parking lot and drink it. Just to have fun with the security and at times local cops. Daddy once took away his credit card and his car when the cops took him to the station to tisk, tisk him.

Also heard his parents use to own the Honda dealership in Longview.
I grew up in a small town in east Texas & played football. I remember seeing the State Troopers at the local gas stations from time-to-time. One Trooper had a reputation for being so strict, that he would give his own mother a ticket. Troopers take their jobs very seriously (for good reason).

I have a hard time believing Manziel was able to commit blatant crimes in front of the police (in Kerrville) and not be prosecuted, unless his family helped him avoid these charges. The Walmart family has more $$$ than the Manziel's (especially during his teenage years).
So we're going with SBS! Yeah I thought so too just putting it out there.
;) that's what I figured....its getting worse for Johnny woman beater..

Attorney for Colleen Crowley: Johnny Manziel ruptured client's eardrum

Johnny Manziel hit ex-girlfriend Colleen Crowley so hard that it ruptured her left eardrum, Crowley's attorney told Dallas-Fort Worth television station KXAS-Channel 5 on Monday.

"They expect [the ear] to heal, but it'll take a while," attorney Kathy Kinser told KXAS.

Manziel is the subject of a criminal investigation into the alleged assault that took place in the early hours of Jan. 30. Crowley spoke with Dallas police on Friday to file the complaint.

On Monday, Kinser told KXAS that Crowley still could not hear out of her ear.

Manziel told TMZ that the assault did not happen. A call to the attorney listed as Manziel's representation was not immediately returned.

A Dallas police spokesman said Monday there was nothing new to release on the investigation.

Crowley filed for a protective order last week in Tarrant County, Texas. The order was issued, and Manziel has to stay away from Crowley for two years.

A copy of Crowley's affidavit asking for protection was included in the KXAS story.

Included are the details that Crowley states led to her being hit in the left side of the head.

The affidavit states that Manziel dragged Crowley down some back steps to the hotel exit. As they passed a valet, Crowley states she pleaded with a valet as the pair left, saying: "Please don't let him take me. I'm scared for my life!" The valet responded he didn't know what to do.

Manziel took her to Crowley's car, where she states she got in the car's passenger seat "against my will." As he was backing up, she jumped out, ran across the street and hid in some bushes.

Manziel made a U-turn to where she was, grabbed her by her hair and threw her in the car.

"He hit me with his open hand on my left ear for jumping out of the car," the affidavit states. "I realized immediately that I could not hear out of that ear, and I cannot today [Feb. 3, the date of the filing]."

Crowley writes that the argument continued on the way to her apartment and in the apartment itself.

"I continue to be extremely concerned for my health and well-being," she wrote.

The judge issued the protective order Feb. 4, the day after Crowley's filing