Look at what that chump did when he was embarrassingly our POTUS and the Libs said NOTHING!
Obama Leaves Cuban Immigrants Hanging from the "Conservative" NY Times - whiny bitch didn't get the Cuban vote and screwed them for it.
Obama named the Seven Muslim Countries NOT Trump - The Mixed Gender/Mixed Race POTUS signed that bill over a year ago.
Lest we mention the war crimes record of the little "Hitler" why did he kill so many Muslims and innocent families?
Liberals are nothing but uneducated hypocrites...full of faux outrage from MSNBC!
Obama Leaves Cuban Immigrants Hanging from the "Conservative" NY Times - whiny bitch didn't get the Cuban vote and screwed them for it.
Obama named the Seven Muslim Countries NOT Trump - The Mixed Gender/Mixed Race POTUS signed that bill over a year ago.
Lest we mention the war crimes record of the little "Hitler" why did he kill so many Muslims and innocent families?
Liberals are nothing but uneducated hypocrites...full of faux outrage from MSNBC!