I stopped watching the NFL when the Oilers left houston. Before then, I was as loyal a fan as there could be.
I first became an Oiler fan back in 1978 when Earl was a rookie I was faithful through the Eddie Biles years, the Hugh Campbell years and finally when Jack Pardee turned things around.
I was faithful when we choked a 32 point lead away to the Buffalo Bills.
Then that asshole owner took my team away to Nashville and changed their name.
After that I stopped watching the NFL all together, and I realized I was happier. My Sunday's became much more enjoyable because I could go and do things with the family.
I tried to be a Titan's fan when VY was drafted, but they treated him like crap and I realized I lost the love for the NFL game.
The things I remember about the NFL that I loved was guys stuck with one team their career. I loved that I could still name off most of the Pittsburgh Steele's starters from the late 70's. Same with the Cowboys. Being able to identify players with specific teams was what I loved most.
Today you can't do that, players jump to the money and the franchise tag is nothing more than handcuffs on them.
Second, I hate how some of my heroes have damaged themselves from the game. About 10 years ago, I came to Austin for a Longhorn game vs. Texas Tech. ESPN was doing a Heisman salute and Earl Campbell was there signing autographs. I got to see him and speak with him for a few minutes. The man was so broken and in obvious pain. I was heartbroken watching him being pushed around in a wheelchair. Then you hear about guys like Junior Saeu and how his life ended. Just sad.
3. Too much commercialism.
4. Players acting like absolute criminals
Money has just destroyed the sport, and it is doing the same to the college game.