The Obama Presidency contributed to the largest wealth gap in American history. Obama's Presidency is at its end, and the rich are richer than ever, while the poor still have nothing. Modern Democrats are about enriching the rich elites, and keeping everyone else at bay.
Obama America: Rich Richer Than Ever While Welfare Dependency at All Time High
Democrat Fed Hurts Seniors
Democrat Fed Robs From Poor, Gives To Rich
It is pretty obvious why places like Manhattan are strongholds for Hillary Clinton. The rich want her in office so that the party can continue. America is finally waking up to the truth this election season as Republicans are now flocking to the maverick candidate Trump after Democrats nearly propelled the maverick candidate Sanders over the elitist pro wealthy wall street banker Clinton. Look for disillusioned Democrats to support the maverick Trump who is going to pick up some of Sanders' talking points on trade.
It is a sad truth that the Modern Democratic Party = The Party For The Uber Wealthy. After 8 years of a man who was suppose to be "for the working man", the rich are richer than ever, and the poor still have nothing. That, my friends, will be the ultimate legacy of the Obama Presidency - oh the irony.
Obama America: Rich Richer Than Ever While Welfare Dependency at All Time High
Democrat Fed Hurts Seniors
Democrat Fed Robs From Poor, Gives To Rich
It is pretty obvious why places like Manhattan are strongholds for Hillary Clinton. The rich want her in office so that the party can continue. America is finally waking up to the truth this election season as Republicans are now flocking to the maverick candidate Trump after Democrats nearly propelled the maverick candidate Sanders over the elitist pro wealthy wall street banker Clinton. Look for disillusioned Democrats to support the maverick Trump who is going to pick up some of Sanders' talking points on trade.
It is a sad truth that the Modern Democratic Party = The Party For The Uber Wealthy. After 8 years of a man who was suppose to be "for the working man", the rich are richer than ever, and the poor still have nothing. That, my friends, will be the ultimate legacy of the Obama Presidency - oh the irony.