Just another liberal wanting to spoil the fun for everybody.
In order to protect children, New York Governor Cuomo has proposed legislation that will require the game developer to place restrictions on where Pokemon can be located.
This new legislation would place restrictions inside the game that would prevent children from playing the game near a sex offender’s primary residence. The provisions include the following:
In-game objectives cannot be located within a 100-foot radius of the sex offender’s home.
The game developer must obtain information regarding all publicly-listed sex offender addresses from the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) website, and must update this information on a monthly basis.
The attorney general will have the power to enforce the provisions of the act, including issuing cease and desist orders against the game developer in the event that they are not complying with the act.
Penalties include a maximum $100 per day fine for each location in the game that does not comply with the exclusion requirements in the act. These fines could be substantial, as there are thousands of sex offender residences around the state.
In order to protect children, New York Governor Cuomo has proposed legislation that will require the game developer to place restrictions on where Pokemon can be located.
This new legislation would place restrictions inside the game that would prevent children from playing the game near a sex offender’s primary residence. The provisions include the following:
In-game objectives cannot be located within a 100-foot radius of the sex offender’s home.
The game developer must obtain information regarding all publicly-listed sex offender addresses from the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) website, and must update this information on a monthly basis.
The attorney general will have the power to enforce the provisions of the act, including issuing cease and desist orders against the game developer in the event that they are not complying with the act.
Penalties include a maximum $100 per day fine for each location in the game that does not comply with the exclusion requirements in the act. These fines could be substantial, as there are thousands of sex offender residences around the state.
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