OT: aggy racism

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2005
I'll just leave this here. Shocker. :rolleyes:


Black High School Students Visiting Texas A&M University Harassed, Told to Go Home

A group of black and Hispanic high school students visiting Texas A&M University say they were harassed, taunted and told by white students they were not welcome to attend the university, according to Texas Sen. Royce West (D-23rd District).

West's office released a statement Thursday saying two black female high school juniors were part of a larger group touring the campus when they were approached by a white female Texas A&M student who asked the girls if they liked her earrings -- which were replicas of the Confederate flag.
Nearby, a group of white male and female students began harassing the larger group of 60 high school students by using racial epithets and telling them to "go back where you came from."

The group of students, from Dallas' Uplift Hampton Preparatory School, were visiting the campus as part of the school's Road To College at Uplift Education Program.
According to West's statement the confrontation was witnessed by TAMU officials accompanying the students. A campus police officer initially said the university students were expressing their First Amendment rights, though a report was made on the incident and an investigation is underway.

West said the incident is now being reviewed by executive leadership at the university, including Chancellor John Sharp.

"While high level meetings are taking place among A&M administrative, faculty and student leaders, those meetings need to produce results that say that overt acts of racism will not be tolerated anywhere within the university system," West said. "I expect a response that is swift and similar to those taken at the University of Oklahoma. The students responsible for these reprehensible actions should be strongly disciplined, if not expelled."

West implored action must be taken swiftly or the university runs the risk of damaging its credibility. West added that the university has a history of recruiting minority students from urban schools, has established outreach centers in Dallas and elsewhere and has made scholarship monies available to minority students.

"But actions such as what took place Tuesday can undo whatever good has been done. When those student's stories are told to parents and friends, they could undoubtedly, further the belief that the home of the Aggies has a campus environment that has been hostile to Black students; that is those who are not athletes," West said.

Michael K. Young, president of Texas A&M University, said in a statement released Wednesday he was outraged and tremendously disappointed in the behavior of his students and that "appropriate action will be taken."

"I deeply regret the pain and hurt feelings this incident caused these young students. Be assured that we take such allegations very seriously," Young said in a statement. "While the actions of a few certainly do not represent our institution as a whole, it is the responsibility of all of us to stop any incidents that could be considered hateful or biased-based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or any other factor."

Uplift Education released a statement Thursday afternoon saying they were "proud of our scholars for the grace and composure with which they responded to the college students who chose to engage in a disrespectful and unacceptable manner."

Uplift added they appreciated the swift response from university leadership and that they hope the incident can broaden the national conversation about inclusion and cultural awareness so that everyone can feel safe and welcome.

At this time, the students involved have not been identified by the university.
Quick question. Mizzou had their racial problems on campus this past year as well. Are the two members showing off for their new conference mates or what?
Quick question. Mizzou had their racial problems on campus this past year as well. Are the two members showing off for their new conference mates or what?

Damn Scholz, you're going scorched earth over there. Straight up Sherman marching to the sea.

Sherman raped, burned, pillaged, and murdered his way from Atlanta to Savannah, then turned north and did the same up the coast to Charleston. Scholz is simply pointing out what we all know about the Northgate Nazis. Terrible analogy. But I thought it was funny!
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Quick question. Mizzou had their racial problems on campus this past year as well. Are the two members showing off for their new conference mates or what?

Want Bowden Lofton involved enough that he had to resign? Couldn't have happened to a nice guy.
Sherman raped, burned, pillaged, and robbed his way from Atlanta to Savannah, then turned north and did the same up the coast to Charleston. Scholz is simply pointing out what we all know about the Northgate Nazis. Terrible analogy. But I thought it was funny!
Well at least you unearthed my humor nugget.
Question: Scholz I want you to chime in on this because I value your opinion, as well as many others' on here....

While I condemn those acts at aggyland to the nth degree, I'm going to play Devil's advocate for just one moment and "pretend" that there were no racial "slurs" spoken (you know of what I speak) but instead, there were statements made like "we don't want you here" or "go back to the ghetto" or whatever..... following me so far?

My question is: what do you consider to be the difference between the right of "free speech" and "hate speech"? I ask this because I've been involved in several discussions lately about the possibility of certain groups infiltrating the US and carrying out attacks against us etc etc... and the subject of racism always pops up. In my understanding of free speech, even crappie crap like what happened in aggyland is still, sort of, protected. Again, I in no way condone it, but "legally" is it not protected? Is there a constitutional lawyer in the house?
Found this. "The justices have accepted that a university has a legitimate need to maintain orderly operations and to regulate its own affairs, and that its duty to do so may outweigh the employee’s free-speech interests. Furthermore, the Court has concluded expressly that academic freedom protects neither intimidating acts, actual threats nor disruptive acts interfering with an educational program." from this site. http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/free-speech-on-public-college-campuses
:( That's sad.

I'd hoped that Aggie had begun to veer away from the racism that was so prevalent on campus and in B/CS in the 80s and 90s. Confederate flags, everywhere. The school that college-going racists from your HS went to.... where they'd feel comfortable among people just like them.

The rhetoric from Aggie was that they'd changed. They hired Sumlin, was their proof. (It's like the false argument, "I can't be racist. See, I have these black friends.")

That said, schadenfreude over racism isn't cool, either.

The ACLU sides with the 1st amendment and has defended even what most would classify as hate speech on constitutional grounds. I agree with them that it is very dangerous ground to restrict our fundamental freedoms simply to placate those who might get their feelings are hurt.

They have some good info here:

The most powerful defense against hate crimes generally, and also this particular alleged outrage is cellphone video. Nothing says stfu quite as powerfully as a viral video of a racist in action. If a university student did make racist remarks to some high school students in the present case, being publicly outed as a racist bully is not likely to enhance future job prospects.

Hook 'em
I spent a LOT of time on that campus and never saw a single incident such as this. Nor would any of my A&M friends and family do anything like this. If it did happen those kids need to be sent packing.

But my gut tells me there's a LOT more to this story. (as usual)

(Edited because it appears something DID happen)
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Question: Scholz I want you to chime in on this because I value your opinion, as well as many others' on here....

While I condemn those acts at aggyland to the nth degree, I'm going to play Devil's advocate for just one moment and "pretend" that there were no racial "slurs" spoken (you know of what I speak) but instead, there were statements made like "we don't want you here" or "go back to the ghetto" or whatever..... following me so far?

My question is: what do you consider to be the difference between the right of "free speech" and "hate speech"? I ask this because I've been involved in several discussions lately about the possibility of certain groups infiltrating the US and carrying out attacks against us etc etc... and the subject of racism always pops up. In my understanding of free speech, even crappie crap like what happened in aggyland is still, sort of, protected. Again, I in no way condone it, but "legally" is it not protected? Is there a constitutional lawyer in the house?
I'm no lawyer but I think people should be able to say what they want as long as it's not inciting violence or physically hurting someone. On the other hand, I think there should be consequences to such language to the students and university PR in general.

And no I wasn't there and reports like this always need to be verified but it appears that A&M officials were there and witnessed this ugliness and the university is involved.
My son goes there. Had 2 go to UT, but A&M gave full scholarship for national merit that UT doesn't so it made it an easy choice in engineering. I can tell you there are some great kids and faculty there and I bleed burnt orange as I'm a UT grad as well. My brother in law is a prof at A&M. He has his entire class (120) over for dinner once a semester, meets with kids for both professional and personal advice) and wins teacher of the year almost every year. He's a great guy and although a UT grad himself loves his time in aggie land. So we all need to be careful we don't paint a 55K populate because of a few kids. My son is no racist as I raised him better then that. So let's all be careful out there. As much as I want to pile on the aggs, this is not the one. Their football disfunction is all the aggie jokes I need at the moment.
My son goes there. Had 2 go to UT, but A&M gave full scholarship for national merit that UT doesn't so it made it an easy choice in engineering. I can tell you there are some great kids and faculty there and I bleed burnt orange as I'm a UT grad as well. My brother in law is a prof at A&M. He has his entire class (120) over for dinner once a semester, meets with kids for both professional and personal advice) and wins teacher of the year almost every year. He's a great guy and although a UT grad himself loves his time in aggie land. So we all need to be careful we don't paint a 55K populate because of a few kids. My son is no racist as I raised him better then that. So let's all be careful out there. As much as I want to pile on the aggs, this is not the one. Their football disfunction is all the aggie jokes I need at the moment.
This can't be done. If one person does it, the whole university is this way. Nothing to see here. I've never had a racist bone in my body, nor did I ever see anything like this go on. There is never an excuse for it, but I'm betting there is FAR more to the story.
one of our Founding Fathers said...."I detest what you are saying, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

Sadly, that is one of the heavy prices we pay for freedom. Any neo Hitler could stand and spew his/her filth and we not only have to listen, we have to defend his/her right to spew it
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one of our Founding Fathers said...."I detest what you are saying, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

Sadly, that is one of the heavy prices we pay for freedom. Any neo Hitler could stand and spew his/her filth and we not only have to listen, we have to defend his/her right to spew it

Here is what I see as the biggest problem. An A&M student, according to witnesses said to those students, "WE don't want you here, go back to where you came from".

That student in that one sentence just spoke for the whole university, now I'm about 99% sure that student didn't have the right to be spokesperson for Texas A&M, but in making that statement she was still doing so.

For that alone, the University can press charges against her.

I'm not going to turn this into a debate on how this could or would affect recruiting. This is a lot deeper than football. When shit like this happened at Oklahoma I was shocked but not surprised. At A&M I'm shocked and surprised. I know the seeds of racism are there, I'm sure there are those at Texas that feel the same way. There was a time, like maybe a year ago when I felt that overt racism was gone, sad to see I'm wrong. Especially when it deals with the second largest school in Texas.
Their famous bar is the DIXIE chicken with the confederate flag. They've always been a racist group.

I'm not a fan of guilt by association.

Just because they have a restaurant called the Dixie Chicken doesn't make the whole student body racist.

I'm a distant cousin to Robert E Lee, I'm not a racist. And I'm proud to say I'm related to him.

Aw hell,

Who am I kidding, they are all racist, sheep humping, Jizz jar drinking, glory hole using freaks. Well at lease 98% of them. There are those 2% that are bearable.
I'm not a fan of guilt by association.

Just because they have a restaurant called the Dixie Chicken doesn't make the whole student body racist.

I'm a distant cousin to Robert E Lee, I'm not a racist. And I'm proud to say I'm related to him.

Aw hell,

Who am I kidding, they are all racist, sheep humping, Jizz jar drinking, glory hole using freaks. Well at lease 98% of them. There are those 2% that are bearable.
Little Feat: "If you'll be my Dixie chicken, I'll be your Tennesee lamb". That and Willin' probably their most famous songs.
@jmcculloch17: Really glad I didn't go to A&M I see how they really feel about African Americans from what they mention me in daily with constant slander

@jmcculloch17: So disappointed in them I expected so much more

From the Shark's twitter.
Their famous bar is the DIXIE chicken with the confederate flag. They've always been a racist group.

There is nothing racist about the Stars and Bars flag. It's only those who are ignorant and try to make it a racist thing for their own agenda when it's convenient. Let the Rebel flag fly!
There is nothing racist about the Stars and Bars flag. It's only those who are ignorant and try to make it a racist thing for their own agenda when it's convenient. Let the Rebel flag fly!
I don't like the flag because it is a flag of treason. That flag was from a group of people who wanted to END the United States of America. Today if someone wanted to break up our Nation I would fight against them.

The flag stands for treason, racism and hatred to a lot of people. To say the group who does not like it is "ignorant" is not true. To the people who love the flag, I would ask why? Do you not like the United States? To many people it just means you are proud of being from the south.......I get it, I am proud of being from the southern U. S. too.....but Old Glory is the flag I swore to defend and the flag I am most proud of.....I am a proud Texan/Virginian....Much more proud to be an American.

White supremacists use the confederate flag for a reason...........They aren't using it because of their "southern pride".
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If my government doesn't stop lying to me and d!cking me around SWVAHORN, I might "vote" to start the United States of Texas.
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I don't like the flag because it is a flag of treason. That flag was from a group of people who wanted to END the United States of America. Today if someone wanted to break up our Nation I would fight against them.

The flag stands for treason, racism and hatred to a lot of people. To say the group who does not like it is "ignorant" is not true. To the people who love the flag, I would ask why? Do you not like the United States? To many people it just means you are proud of being from the south.......I get it, I am proud of being from the southern U. S. too.....but Old Glory is the flag I swore to defend and the flag I am most proud of.....I am a proud Texan/Virginian....Much more proud to be an American.

White supremacists use the confederate flag for a reason...........They aren't using it because of their "southern pride".

In American history the most unpatriotic Americans were the Confederate States of America.
I don't like the flag because it is a flag of treason. That flag was from a group of people who wanted to END the United States of America. Today if someone wanted to break up our Nation I would fight against them.

The flag stands for treason, racism and hatred to a lot of people. To say the group who does not like it is "ignorant" is not true. To the people who love the flag, I would ask why? Do you not like the United States? To many people it just means you are proud of being from the south.......I get it, I am proud of being from the southern U. S. too.....but Old Glory is the flag I swore to defend and the flag I am most proud of.....I am a proud Texan/Virginian....Much more proud to be an American.

White supremacists use the confederate flag for a reason...........They aren't using it because of their "southern pride".
I grew up in the Deep South in the 60s after having lived in Europe. It was quite a shock. I never got used to the race thing, but I can tell you for a FACT that the battle flag is more about regional pride than white supremacy, just like the Texas flag. I've never liked the battle flag, nor have I ever flown it, but I still hate Yankees.
I agree with whoever said that the US Flag is the only flag we should honor and cherish (along with the Texas flag, of course). The Confederate flag may symbolize southern pride and that's fine. People should know that the Confederate flag was a creation of the Democrat party. Funny how so many people still try to erroneously connect the Confederate flag with Republican policies. I don't want to see any other flags besides Old Glory. No more confederate flags, gay pride flags, aggy flags, isis flags, etc. etc.
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