OT: Another attempt made on Trump

They’re playing with fire. I don’t think they’ve thought through what could happen if they succeed.
They’re playing with fire. I don’t think they’ve thought through what could happen if they succeed.
400-500 yds with a scoped AK?

I mean-- ya.... it can be done but... that platform at that distance is...... that's a tough ass shot to make.
400-500 yds with a scoped AK?

I mean-- ya.... it can be done but... that platform at that distance is...... that's a tough ass shot to make.
Agreed. This dude was a hack. My kids were making the shot at the PA rally when they were 8. Just makes you wonder if they’re setting things up for a pro.
That same shot with a .308 is not so hard….
Agreed. This dude was a hack. My kids were making the shot at the PA rally when they were 8. Just makes you wonder if they’re setting things up for a pro.
That same shot with a .308 is not so hard….
Oh ya. Remington model 700 .308 with a Leupold 3x9 and that's duck soup.

Bolt action is the way to go at that distance.
AK wasn't meant for that. It isn't terribly accurate. Those guns are loved because they're cheap to make and reliable as fvck. They will always fire.
They weren't meant to be single shot "over-watch" or designated marksman rifles.
Oh ya. Remington model 700 .308 with a Leupold 3x9 and that's duck soup.

Bolt action is the way to go at that distance.
AK wasn't meant for that. It isn't terribly accurate. Those guns are loved because they're cheap to make and reliable as fvck. They will always fire.
They weren't meant to be single shot "over-watch" or designated marksman rifles.
Yep. The AK is the rifle version of a Glock. It’s firing no matter what dirt pile it’s been dropped in.
My father in law gave my oldest son a custom 6 mm Mohawk that is a tack driver. It’s 3 shots in the same hole at 200 yards kind of nasty. He was knocking down turkeys at 250+ with it when he was 8.
Makes you wonder if the last 2 clowns they sent after Trump were for real or just a build up / cover story for the real hit.
Yep. The AK is the rifle version of a Glock. It’s firing no matter what dirt pile it’s been dropped in.
My father in law gave my oldest son a custom 6 mm Mohawk that is a tack driver. It’s 3 shots in the same hole at 200 yards kind of nasty. He was knocking down turkeys at 250+ with it when he was 8.
Makes you wonder if the last 2 clowns they sent after Trump were for real or just a build up / cover story for the real hit.
One of these days I'll tell you a story about a Rem 6mm 600-- the gun that came out just before the Mohawk.

Now with regard to this clown- the Secret Service agent that was advancing Trump by one hole said he "sees a rifle barrel sticking out of the fence"....... it's a chain link fence-- and this guy was sitting in his hide-- with his barrel STICKING THROUGH the fence.....

That's almost as dumb as a sniper hanging his rifle out of an open window.

I'm not the smartest dude on the planet- but I think we can rule out a professional CIA hit job with this clown.

What I DO want to know-- what IS puzzling me, is this--- Trump decided to play golf last minute. This wasn't a scheduled round. How did this guy know Trump would be playing golf?

That right there is the 64 million dollar question.
I was thinking the weapon choice of these shooters is very odd as well. An AR or AK would be the last choice I would use if I was going to take a long range shot at someone. Do they think it will help get "assault rifles" banned if they use one to knock off Trump? You would think even an amateur would know a little something about rifles if they are crazy enough to attempt an assassination. They thought through the where, when, and how but then don't do their homework on the actual equipment that would give them the best chance of success? Seems fishy.
I was thinking the weapon choice of these shooters is very odd as well. An AR or AK would be the last choice I would use if I was going to take a long range shot at someone. Do they think it will help get "assault rifles" banned if they use one to knock off Trump? You would think even an amateur would know a little something about rifles if they are crazy enough to attempt an assassination. They thought through the where, when, and how but then don't do their homework on the actual equipment that would give them the best chance of success? Seems fishy.
Ya..... and btw-- this dude has a book for sale on Amazon called "The Unwinnable War". On page 279 he calls on Iran to assassinate Trump.

I just don't get it. If this were 2008 and Trump's name was Barak- we'd have shut the world down to figure out who was trying to kill him........

If it isn't obvious to folks by now that there's some seriously nefarious forces at play here..... well, you and I just can't have a conversation...... because you folks a fvcking idiots.... Surely the American public sees this...... acknowledges this..... right?
Ya..... and btw-- this dude has a book for sale on Amazon called "The Unwinnable War". On page 279 he calls on Iran to assassinate Trump.

I just don't get it. If this were 2008 and Trump's name was Barak- we'd have shut the world down to figure out who was trying to kill him........

If it isn't obvious to folks by now that there's some seriously nefarious forces at play here..... well, you and I just can't have a conversation...... because you folks a fvcking idiots.... Surely the American public sees this...... acknowledges this..... right?

They don't. In fact, many of the left wish he were dead so...

Many would probably welcome a foreign nation to do the deed. Not understanding the pandora's box it would open. But hey, at least they could sleep better at night, ffs
They haven’t been able to take him out through the courts…yet. So why not get their crazies riled up in hopes they’ll kill him?