OT: Dear Iran----


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014

We were just admiring your lawn from afar. Seriously, you've got a really nice lawn. It would be a shame if it were doused in diesel and set aflame. Don't do this. I get it--- the sanctions suck. And if you ask North Korea, they'll tell you it can get much worse. Just take the loss. You want to have nuclear reactors to make radioactive toys with? Cool-- but big boy toys come with big boy rules. Over the last 75 or so years you've acted like a bit of a twat at times. And yes, some of those times you were provoked. And some of those times you were provoked, we did the provoking. But that doesn't give you a hall pass to continue acting like a twat for eternity. There's a rule called "the golden rule"----- he whom has the gold, makes the rules. In this instance though, substitute "uranium 235" for "gold" and you'll start getting the picture. The cloak and dagger secret nuclear spy games you've played with previous administrations isn't going work this time. If you truly desire to develop a nuclear power plan and manufacture fuel grade fission rods to bring power to your people, cool beans. But it must be 100% transparent. No more of these sight inspections that we must give 6 weeks notice before we can come ring the doorbell. It doesn't work that way in the big boy world. No more secret underground bunkered production facilities. No more reactors built into mountain sides. If you want nuclear technology it's going to have to be done right out in broad daylight where everyone can see. You'd do well to even install glass roof tops for complete transparency.
Shooting down a $200 million dollar drone to get out attention, just a week after trying to blow up a couple of supertankers filled with oil, is just a bad look. Then taking a photo of said burning drone as it floats in international waters with a camera from your very old F-14 tomcat (that we sold you btw) is also not doing yourself any favors. You shot down an unmanned drone. It carries no weapons. It's the same as bragging about shooting pen raised pheasants while they were still on the ground. I'm not impressed.

Do yourself a favor. Put down the lamb skewer and chick peas, relax, grab the hookah and take a deep pull off it, exhale-- then rethink all this. You can still get most of what you want if you'll simply bend the knee a tad. If your idea of flexing is to limpet mine a couple of oil tankers and shoot down a robot that can't shoot back, then you're going to need a bigger boat.

Please don't force us to go rip sh!t riot all over you. Nobody wants that. Least of all the very soon to be starving populace of your country.

Hugs and kisses and lots of well wishes,

Dear Iran,
Ignore Clob, I’m arranging another plane full of American cash for you as you read this. Keep the dream alive. Down with the infidels. No need to thank me just another chorus of “Death to America” will suffice.

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This has big problem written all over it.... well at least for Israel. Yes, we can level Iran and destroy it's oil infrastructure but Americans are unwilling to fight ANOTHER war in the ME. How I see this going down..... at some point in time in the near future, we and Israel will be attacking Iran from the air. We will level their infrastructure. Problem: Iran will go straight for Israel from the north and they will be taking a few of their buddies with them. Iran, Turkey, Syria, Hezbollah, and RUSSIA. Yes I said it, Russia. Why? Israel is now direct competition for transport and export of Nat gas to Europe. There is going to be a major terminal for Nat Gas export in Ashkelon and Israel with Saudi are going to undercut Russia.... Russia is a one trick pony. Once Russia's market share is cut, Putin in trouble.
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This has big problem written all over it.... well at least for Israel. Yes, we can level Iran and destroy it's oil infrastructure but Americans are unwilling to fight ANOTHER war in the ME. How I see this going down..... at some point in time in the near future, we and Israel will be attacking Iran from the air. We will level their infrastructure. Problem: Iran will go straight for Israel from the north and they will be taking a few of their buddies with them. Iran, Turkey, Syria, Hezbollah, and RUSSIA. Yes I said it, Russia. Why? Israel is now direct competition for transport and export of Nat gas to Europe. There is going to be a major terminal for Nat Gas export in Ashkelon and Israel with Saudi are going to undercut Russia.... Russia is a one trick pony. Once Russia's market share is cut, Putin in trouble.
Putin is worth somewhere in the neighborhood of a trillion dollars on paper. Those huge gas fields off the coast of Israel haven't come on line yet and aren't likely to for a while. But yes, once they do, Russia will be none to happy. On top of that, if the EU would get it's head completely out of its ass, we could be sending them LNG at a record clip and YES I understand it's cheaper to het it from Russia but at what other costs? If the EU pissed of Putin, he presses a button and Europe freezes. Israel thinks they can cut Putin's legs off but he'll just make your life miserable from his knees. You have to decapitate him. This has proxy war written all over it. Mossad hasn't earned their paycheck in broad daylight in a long time. I know, I know--- they're supposed to be Billy bad ass, but they're going to have to kick the rust off if they think they can square up with Iran. Sniping a bunch of teenagers throwing bottle and rocks is much different that engaging in a clandestine war with Iran. I look for Bibi to get the nod from Trump to be taken off his leash and then we get to see how the F35 stacks up against Iran's French and Soviet fighters. They've only got about 180 fighter air craft and Israel has 14 of our stealth fighters so the odds seem about even. Of course Israel has about 300 F-15s and F-16s so the air campaign won't last long for Iran UNLESS they are able to get proxy aircraft from Putin or Turkey. I don't see China helping Iran because they are knee deep in trade talk right now and they don't need that headache.
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I hope there isn't any Democratic leaders in their ears in an attempt to get Trump into a war headed as he's headed toward re-election.
Do you mean like if I used to be the secretary of state and my daughter was married to a young man from a prominent family from Iran and at their wedding, my new son in laws best man was the son of the Iranian secretary of foreign relations?

Naaaaaaaa----- what politician would take advantage of THAT relationship. Especially since my childhood BFF, who also happened to be my blood cousin, was the head of a major political party in France. It's a coincidence.
I believe the biggest concern is the closing of the Straight of Hormuz. For war tactics, it won't be easy of course, but I don't see a land war like Iraq either.
A war with Iran would either be easier than Iraq or it would lead to what amounts to the last war to end all wars. Keep in mind Russia flew a jet into Turkey air space and had it shot down. We are talking dead pilot. Russia didn't attack them. I don't care how much the plane costs, if we go in we are possibly opening the door for a war much bigger than just Iran.

Also keep in mind, that 100 million isn't anything to sneeze at but neither is committing billions to a war over an unmanned air craft. There are ways of kicking their ass without firing a shot.
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A war with Iran would either be easier than Iraq or it would lead to what amounts to the last war to end all wars. Keep in mind Russia flew a jet into Turkey air space and had it shot down. We are talking dead pilot. Russia didn't attack them. I don't care how much the plane costs, if we go in we are possibly opening the door for a war much bigger than just Iran.

Also keep in mind, that 100 million isn't anything to sneeze at but neither is committing billions to a war over an unmanned air craft. There are ways of kicking their ass without firing a shot.
Well we could have release the Stuxnet on them and watched their power grid and infrastructure just collapse--- but the freaking Israelis went overboard with it when they snuck it into their centrifuge labs and now the Iranians know how to look for it.
Israel wants greater influence in the region(I can go into greater detail). Russia wants to lock up energy exports to Europe. Why did Russia get involved in cutting off Saudi hopes of laying pipe in Syria? Russia has to cut off the ability of Saudi and it's ME allies (not just Israel) to get LNG to Europe cheaply. It's coming down to what I have linked below. This is in the planning stages and if it gets going, it will be harder for Russia to stop it.... Shooting down the drone and bombing the tanker were bait. They want us to attack. They have the pieces in place to roll through Syria and into the Golan Heights. If Russia losses it's position with Europe, the people of Russia will remove Putin because they will starve.
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Israel wants greater influence in the region(I can go into greater detail). Russia wants to lock up energy exports to Europe. Why did Russia get involved in cutting off Saudi hopes of laying pipe in Syria? Russia has to cut off the ability of Saudi and it's ME allies (not just Israel) to get LNG to Europe cheaply. It's coming down to what I have linked below. This is in the planning stages and if it gets going, it will be harder for Russia to stop it.... Shooting down the drone and bombing the tanker were bait. They want us to attack. They have the pieces in place to roll through Syria and into the Golan Heights. If Russia losses it's position with Europe, the people of Russia will remove Putin because they will starve.
This has been on the desk of a USAID colleague of mine since about 15 minutes after those gas fields were discovered. I emailed MM some photos of me at the UN in NY last October involving a project similar to this that former longhorn basketball player Gabe Muoneke happened to be a part of and after our meeting with the Sudanese and South Sudanese vice presidents, I saw Gabe shake his head because we were all coming to the realization that in that part of the world, the global cabal has been moving pieces around the board for well over a decade. It's a sobering moment when you realize this is all just a huge game of chess and 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of the global population have no fvcking clue what's happening. It made me feel really really insignificant.
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Well we could have release the Stuxnet on them and watched their power grid and infrastructure just collapse--- but the freaking Israelis went overboard with it when they snuck it into their centrifuge labs and now the Iranians know how to look for it.
Thats true. I remember reading that story about the US and Israel manipulating many electronic parts etc sold to Iran to accomplish unleashing Stuxnet undetected. Freaking genius actually.
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It's a sobering moment when you realize this is all just a huge game of chess and 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of the global population have no fvcking clue what's happening. It made me feel really really insignificant.

Cool, you have had a close up view of what the world is going to look like for the next generation and following. You understand what I am talking about, thank you! For the most part, I don't expand and this stuff with people because they think I'm weird for evening thinking about it, lol. The next decade is going to be one of massive transformation but unfortunately it's going to come with a lot of financial pain. Anyway if you care to know how I think this ends, let me know. Otherwise back to the daily grind.
Cool, you have had a close up view of what the world is going to look like for the next generation and following. You understand what I am talking about, thank you! For the most part, I don't expand and this stuff with people because they think I'm weird for evening thinking about it, lol. The next decade is going to be one of massive transformation but unfortunately it's going to come with a lot of financial pain. Anyway if you care to know how I think this ends, let me know. Otherwise back to the daily grind.
I’d like to hear your opinion on how you believe it ends
I’d like to hear your opinion on how you believe it ends

Ok, well I am no Kreskin but here ya go. If this does blow up into something big ,and I hope it does not but by looking at the current world debt load and our inability to escape the black hole, some world pieces have moved and are moving into place. As stated above, the Israeli LNG pipeline and Russia are a biggie. When I saw that article, outcomes quickly began to move in my head as to where this was headed. Russia is now between a rock and a very hard place. Their economy is a one trick pony. The west would love to cut their throat and the Israeli pipeline would do it. So with the pieces moving into place, I would lead you to the Old Testament.

Most of the OT prophecy has been fulfilled but there is a scant bit that has not. See Ezekiel 38-39. Some decoding before you read it.


All the names listed are people who descended from Noah and scattered out over the earth after the tower of Babel.

The young lions of Tarshish are the 3 colonies of England, that would be the USA, Canada, and Australia. I get this from looking at the English flag and coat of arms. I could be wrong. It's speculation.

Ez: 38-39

Some say that Ez 38-39 are Armageddon but we don't know for sure. Armageddon is not happening as a result of this conflict. The Book of Revelation covers Armageddon. That whole deal is a process that is not happening now. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

Edit: The world would be a different place if this were to happen thus the major transformation. The world would go through a major deleveraging process as this event would prolly spook some folks and the chain reaction of default would be uncontrollable. So, this sets the stage for the last parts of the Bible to play out. Anyway, Israel and Iraq (Babylon) would be the major winners if this were to take place as the powers in the East would be devastated ushering in better financial times worldwide.
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Ok, well I am no Kreskin but here ya go. If this does blow up into something big ,and I hope it does not but by looking at the current world debt load and our inability to escape the black hole, some world pieces have moved and are moving into place. As stated above, the Israeli LNG pipeline and Russia are a biggie. When I saw that article, outcomes quickly began to move in my head as to where this was headed. Russia is now between a rock and a very hard place. Their economy is a one trick pony. The west would love to cut their throat and the Israeli pipeline would do it. So with the pieces moving into place, I would lead you to the Old Testament.

Most of the OT prophecy has been fulfilled but there is a scant bit that has not. See Ezekiel 38-39. Some decoding before you read it.


All the names listed are people who descended from Noah and scattered out over the earth after the tower of Babel.

The young lions of Tarshish are the 3 colonies of England, that would be the USA, Canada, and Australia. I get this from looking at the English flag and coat of arms. I could be wrong. It's speculation.

Ez: 38-39

Some say that Ez 38-39 are Armageddon but we don't know for sure. Armageddon is not happening as a result of this conflict. The Book of Revelation covers Armageddon. That whole deal is a process that is not happening now. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

Edit: The world would be a different place if this were to happen thus the major transformation. The world would go through a major deleveraging process as this event would prolly spook some folks and the chain reaction of default would be uncontrollable. So, this sets the stage for the last parts of the Bible to play out. Anyway, Israel and Iraq (Babylon) would be the major winners if this were to take place as the powers in the East would be devastated ushering in better financial times worldwide.
I can agree with pretty much this whole post. I’m no biblical scholar but I also believe that the Ez. 38 war is separate from and precedes Armageddon
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Ok, well I am no Kreskin but here ya go. If this does blow up into something big ,and I hope it does not but by looking at the current world debt load and our inability to escape the black hole, some world pieces have moved and are moving into place. As stated above, the Israeli LNG pipeline and Russia are a biggie. When I saw that article, outcomes quickly began to move in my head as to where this was headed. Russia is now between a rock and a very hard place. Their economy is a one trick pony. The west would love to cut their throat and the Israeli pipeline would do it. So with the pieces moving into place, I would lead you to the Old Testament.

Most of the OT prophecy has been fulfilled but there is a scant bit that has not. See Ezekiel 38-39. Some decoding before you read it.


All the names listed are people who descended from Noah and scattered out over the earth after the tower of Babel.

The young lions of Tarshish are the 3 colonies of England, that would be the USA, Canada, and Australia. I get this from looking at the English flag and coat of arms. I could be wrong. It's speculation.

Ez: 38-39

Some say that Ez 38-39 are Armageddon but we don't know for sure. Armageddon is not happening as a result of this conflict. The Book of Revelation covers Armageddon. That whole deal is a process that is not happening now. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

Edit: The world would be a different place if this were to happen thus the major transformation. The world would go through a major deleveraging process as this event would prolly spook some folks and the chain reaction of default would be uncontrollable. So, this sets the stage for the last parts of the Bible to play out. Anyway, Israel and Iraq (Babylon) would be the major winners if this were to take place as the powers in the East would be devastated ushering in better financial times worldwide.

Very interesting, Nueces.
Ok, well I am no Kreskin but here ya go. If this does blow up into something big ,and I hope it does not but by looking at the current world debt load and our inability to escape the black hole, some world pieces have moved and are moving into place. As stated above, the Israeli LNG pipeline and Russia are a biggie. When I saw that article, outcomes quickly began to move in my head as to where this was headed. Russia is now between a rock and a very hard place. Their economy is a one trick pony. The west would love to cut their throat and the Israeli pipeline would do it. So with the pieces moving into place, I would lead you to the Old Testament.

Most of the OT prophecy has been fulfilled but there is a scant bit that has not. See Ezekiel 38-39. Some decoding before you read it.


All the names listed are people who descended from Noah and scattered out over the earth after the tower of Babel.

The young lions of Tarshish are the 3 colonies of England, that would be the USA, Canada, and Australia. I get this from looking at the English flag and coat of arms. I could be wrong. It's speculation.

Ez: 38-39

Some say that Ez 38-39 are Armageddon but we don't know for sure. Armageddon is not happening as a result of this conflict. The Book of Revelation covers Armageddon. That whole deal is a process that is not happening now. Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

Edit: The world would be a different place if this were to happen thus the major transformation. The world would go through a major deleveraging process as this event would prolly spook some folks and the chain reaction of default would be uncontrollable. So, this sets the stage for the last parts of the Bible to play out. Anyway, Israel and Iraq (Babylon) would be the major winners if this were to take place as the powers in the East would be devastated ushering in better financial times worldwide.
Ok--- this is allegorical in nature and you're assuming the bible is the predictor. What about the Tora or the Qur'an? Argument must be made equally for both of them IF you're going to use religious text as your waypoint. Plus, taking an evangelic approach only to these event can narrow your viewpoint to what actual outcomes might be.

It's easier to look at human nature and point to things like greed, power, envy, spite-- to be the reasons behind all this.
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Ok--- this is allegorical in nature and you're assuming the bible is the predictor. What about the Tora or the Qur'an? Argument must be made equally for both of them IF you're going to use religious text as your waypoint. Plus, taking an evangelic approach only to these event can narrow your viewpoint to what actual outcomes might be.

It's easier to look at human nature and point to things like greed, power, envy, spite-- to be the reasons behind all this.
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Iran doesn't want war with the US and there isn't much of an appetite for another conflict in the mid east here at home. Iran is pissed about sanctions and they are doing things that are proactive enough to drive up oil prices.
Gotta read the passage. Don't shoot the messenger. It's been in written form for 2500 years. The passage pulls back the curtain and gives us an inside baseball look at who is in control. I didn't write it and I dont know what will happen. I am just doing the play by play. Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, etc... shortly, will they have anything to lose? Not sure but their economics are trending that way.
Iran doesn't want war with the US and there isn't much of an appetite for another conflict in the mid east here at home. Iran is pissed about sanctions and they are doing things that are proactive enough to drive up oil prices.

Ummm... that's quite the risk to get a bump in your oil portfolio.
It's true, Iran is pissed and doesn't like us. What else is new? At least we're not bending over for them anymore.
Ok--- this is allegorical in nature and you're assuming the bible is the predictor. What about the Tora or the Qur'an?

Idk, please enlighten us.

FYI, the Torah is the first 5 books of the OT. Moses did prophecy the oil field discovery in Israel but I'll let y'all find that.
Ummm... that's quite the risk to get a bump in your oil portfolio.

Its not for them since they really are going to have trouble selling oil. Driving up the price of oil is the only real leverage they have against the US and Europe. Even then its not great since we are one of the worlds leading producers now. Its worked to an extent. The price of WTI is in the mid 50's, Brent is in the mid 60's. If they make things more difficult in the Straights of Hormuz then I could see WTI creeping up into the low 70s just as the 2020 election starts to really pick up steam.
Idk, please enlighten us.

FYI, the Torah is the first 5 books of the OT. Moses did prophecy the oil field discovery in Israel but I'll let y'all find that.
The tribe of Asher in Genesis. All those bible studies classes as a kid finally paid off. But I don't think he was referring to that type of oil for their feet--- but it is quite interesting none the less.

But back to my original point--- I'm simply saying that it's prudent to use observation of human nature to determine outcomes because if we just use one source, in your instance, the Bible-- we've limited our options for outcomes because we are only viewing it through the lens of one possible outcome.
I'm still reeling from the complete and total snow job that descended on me after spending 8 hours being fellated by and African elected official from South Sudan who praised Trump and America for finally taking them off the US sanctions list and treating me like I was royalty even though I had zero to do with it. I walked out of that day thinking to myself, "man, we are going to have a HUGE deal come out of this" only to have them one week later decide to not go with our American company, but instead with a huge Russian company. Why?

BRIBES. Pure and simple. We wanted to do a straight deal and help the country and their people and the people in charge simply wanted a bribe. We had the same thing happen in another country prior to that.

Once you realize that certain cultures only care about self preservation, preservation of power, money and power-- it makes it easier to understand their motives. Occam's razor applies here as well.

Iran wants big boy toys because they want a seat at the big boy table-- and all the benefits that come with that.
Iran is not going to nuke Israel because Iran knows that 28 minutes after a launch is detected by our birds, there will be a full retaliatory strike that will remove 5000 years of Persian history in the blink of an eye. Their entire culture will cease to exist and be completely eradicated. It's a non-starter and for every crazy Mullah that wants this to happen, there are ten that aren't crazy and will help keep the crazies in check.

If Iran wants to have nuclear power, the only way it will ever happen is under the watchful eye of the US Department of Energy and the United Nations. Iran can argue that the US is still the only country to use nuclear weapons in war but that argument falls on deaf ears because we didn't KNOW what we had. They will not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons and they will suffer severe consequences if they try and subvert our efforts to curtail their activities.
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Its not for them since they really are going to have trouble selling oil. Driving up the price of oil is the only real leverage they have against the US and Europe. Even then its not great since we are one of the worlds leading producers now. Its worked to an extent. The price of WTI is in the mid 50's, Brent is in the mid 60's. If they make things more difficult in the Straights of Hormuz then I could see WTI creeping up into the low 70s just as the 2020 election starts to really pick up steam.

Whatever they did, it seems to be working out for them. They aren't a smoking ruin.
The tribe of Asher in Genesis. All those bible studies classes as a kid finally paid off. But I don't think he was referring to that type of oil for their feet--- but it is quite interesting none the less.

But back to my original point--- I'm simply saying that it's prudent to use observation of human nature to determine outcomes because if we just use one source, in your instance, the Bible-- we've limited our options for outcomes because we are only viewing it through the lens of one possible outcome.
I'm still reeling from the complete and total snow job that descended on me after spending 8 hours being fellated by and African elected official from South Sudan who praised Trump and America for finally taking them off the US sanctions list and treating me like I was royalty even though I had zero to do with it. I walked out of that day thinking to myself, "man, we are going to have a HUGE deal come out of this" only to have them one week later decide to not go with our American company, but instead with a huge Russian company. Why?

BRIBES. Pure and simple. We wanted to do a straight deal and help the country and their people and the people in charge simply wanted a bribe. We had the same thing happen in another country prior to that.

Once you realize that certain cultures only care about self preservation, preservation of power, money and power-- it makes it easier to understand their motives. Occam's razor applies here as well.

Iran wants big boy toys because they want a seat at the big boy table-- and all the benefits that come with that.
Iran is not going to nuke Israel because Iran knows that 28 minutes after a launch is detected by our birds, there will be a full retaliatory strike that will remove 5000 years of Persian history in the blink of an eye. Their entire culture will cease to exist and be completely eradicated. It's a non-starter and for every crazy Mullah that wants this to happen, there are ten that aren't crazy and will help keep the crazies in check.

If Iran wants to have nuclear power, the only way it will ever happen is under the watchful eye of the US Department of Energy and the United Nations. Iran can argue that the US is still the only country to use nuclear weapons in war but that argument falls on deaf ears because we didn't KNOW what we had. They will not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons and they will suffer severe consequences if they try and subvert our efforts to curtail their activities.

Well said, too bad most of the world runs on bribes. Sucks.
I think we should just kill them all and we wouldn't have to mess with them anymore and waste our money and time, too many politics and not enough doing in my book, all these political Summits are a dog and pony show anyway, you ever wonder why you can't hear what they have to say at a Summit? They be hiding something, say what ya want to impress everyone of your Politic climate but, its all gonna end with a war sooner or later, and yes Patton was right , we shoulda just went on and kicked Russia's ass while we was there as he knew they was gonna be Probs with them down the road, blowall the wells and then there will not be much to fight for except who gets to ride shotgun the new fire truck..Hell, I can go back riding horses to HEB and to Paki Vapor Heaven#12...
I think we should just kill them all and we wouldn't have to mess with them anymore and waste our money and time, too many politics and not enough doing in my book, all these political Summits are a dog and pony show anyway, you ever wonder why you can't hear what they have to say at a Summit? They be hiding something, say what ya want to impress everyone of your Politic climate but, its all gonna end with a war sooner or later, and yes Patton was right , we shoulda just went on and kicked Russia's ass while we was there as he knew they was gonna be Probs with them down the road, blowall the wells and then there will not be much to fight for except who gets to ride shotgun the new fire truck..Hell, I can go back riding horses to HEB and to Paki Vapor Heaven#12...
A war with Iran would either be easier than Iraq or it would lead to what amounts to the last war to end all wars. Keep in mind Russia flew a jet into Turkey air space and had it shot down. We are talking dead pilot. Russia didn't attack them. I don't care how much the plane costs, if we go in we are possibly opening the door for a war much bigger than just Iran.

Also keep in mind, that 100 million isn't anything to sneeze at but neither is committing billions to a war over an unmanned air craft. There are ways of kicking their ass without firing a shot.

Russia may not have attacked Turkey back right away but they always get u back or try to do so until they r successful. They don't forget anything or let anyone off easily. Probably made Turkey buy that missile defense system. They will shoot a Turkey plane down or kill someone important in the future. It's in Russia's DNA to always pay u back. If the drone did not enter Iran's airspace, then we need to send them at least 1 missile to say hello and re-introduce them to our military might. Lots of countries (Iran, China, N Korea, etc.) r standing up to us right now bc they r backed by Russia and our President thinks that Putin is his friend and that Putin will not put us all in a wooden box if he could.