OT: Gonzales, Texas, = Hollywood South


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2014
So I’m in Gonzales working and have been noticing a lot of construction going on for the last couple weeks on a particular street in downtown right off the square. Yesterday I notice a lot of production trailers, people walking around etc. so I mosey on down to take a gander. Low and behold they have the whole street blocked off and covered in crushed granite to make it look like dirt. There were horses, covered wagons etc. I’m standing there and guess who walks up?: Mr. Pierce Brosnan dressed up as a cowboy. I got to meet him, nice guy.

If you’re down in Gonzales this week check it out, they’re shooting a series he’s in called The Son. sun series
They're filming a movie called "The first son of texas" or something like that.

Did you ask him to introduce himself as Bond.......James Bond?
I thought about asking his thoughts on the Weinstein scandal but maybe I’ll save that one for the last day of filming
Bell - is drilling ramping up at Eagle Ford Shale?
I work for the biggest player in the EagleFord and have for the last 17 years. We drilled our first Eagleford Test well in 2007. Our play originated out of our Corpus office, where I worked from 2003-2008 before coming back home to NB and working in our Gonzales area. We’ve been blowing and going the whole time even with $30 oil. The only thing we slowed up on was frac’ing wells during that time period. It appears other companies are picking up a little around here. BTW we’ve also drilled some hellacious Austin Chalk horizontals as well. That’s stacked pay making people multi-multi millionaires, many times over.
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i watched the first season of "the son" and some of the background looked like an area of the hill country between blanco and comfort. that's cool.
The production company is based out of Austin and said they will be shooting future episodes there around Hamilton pool, DrippingSprings etc. I’ll post a few crappy pics later .